Part 1 The bullys and the bullied

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Hey ther! If you are that person that is a person that can be really angry and so about gramma and speling, this story arent for you, i have speciel ed and im from sweden! deel with it! No cments about grama and speling thx!

This first part is edited!

Joey POV

It's my fist day at school in LA. my mom and I moved from Boston because well, she needed help with her dinking problem. She's doing much better but now I have to go to a new school. I loved my school back in Boston! I had a lot of friends and I didn't have to hide my biggest secret. I'm gay. I had a boyfriend in Boston, his name is Luke Conard. We broke up after I told him I had to move to LA. We didn't want a long distance relationship, but he's now my best friend. It was really fun when we walked around and everyone was cheering Juke, we were the hottest couple in school. I miss him. I didn't wanted to move, because I didn't want to leave Luke. I hope I can find another one in LA, but I will say to the people that I'm gay.

I got my backpack and went down to the kitchen where my mom was.

Joey: I'm going to go now!

Mom: Hurry, you miss the bus!

Joey: I got it mom

She handed me a sandwich and I was ready to go to the bus. I got a text from Luke, my ex-boyfriend, but now I will call him my best friend.

Luke: Have a great day in school Joey!

Joey: thx Luke! You okay by your first day without me?

Luke: It sure is empty, but yeah, I got Britney with me =)

Joey: I wish I was with u guys =(

Luke: We miss you to man, everyone was like asking after Juke

Joey: Sad that Juke doesn't exist anymore =(

Luke: But, we will still be the best of friends! I'm always here for you!

Joey: Thanks boy! The bus is coming now, I'll call you after school!

Luke: good luck now Jo-jo!

I miss him so much, and the rest of my friends in Boston, I hope I can get a friend here. I got up to the bus and everyone was staring at me. I sat down in the front beside a dark haired girl.

Joey: Hi, is it okay if I sit with you?

???: Of course you can, you new here?

Joey: Yes, my name is Joey

???: My name is Stacy

Joey: Well Hi Stacy

She smiled.

Stacy: so were you from?

Joey: I'm from Boston, my mom and I just moved here over the summer.

Stacy: Cool, do you know anyone?

Joey: No, I'm not the best one to make friends

Stacy: Well, you have me now, and I can interfuse you some of my friends

Joey: Thanks Stacy! You help me a lot!

Stacy: I try Hehe

We keep on chatting of everything, I even told her about Luke.

Stacy: Wow! You're gay?!

Joey: Yup, well I'm sorry if you don't like gay people...

Stacy: I'm not against it at all! But just a warning, don't tell anyone about it

Im in love with my bully (Shoey)Where stories live. Discover now