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And I got way too many feels, way too much emotion. ... Yeah, it's way too many feels, way too much emotion.

My body shivers under his touch. My back arches back, wanting more.

I felt him go deeper and deeper, harder and harder. He thrust into me even harder. I dig my nails into his back. He slams into me once or twice.

My whole body shivers in pleasure as a warm, pleasure-riddled feeling spreads throughout my body. He leaned his forehead onto mine as he chuckles heartily.

"God, I love you." He replies.

"I love you too," I told him, then kissing him.

My phone vibrated on the nightstand next to the bed. I grabbed my phone to see a text from Brie.

Brie: Girls lunch @1, don't be late and we're probably filming too. 😇

Queen: A queen👸 is never late. See you' doll.

"Who is it?" Brock asked next to me.

"Just Brie letting me know that there's a girls lunch at one and not to be late. We're probably filming for total divas, which is most likely happening." I said.

"You're never late," he laughed.

"A queen is what they call me," I said.

"You are a queen." He replied.

"Yes, I am queen, and don't you forget it," I responded.

"I gotta get ready, sweetheart." I finished then getting up.

"Nice ass!" He yelled as I walked into my closet.

"It belongs to you!" I yelled back.

Walking into my closet, there were a lot of outfits to choose from. I put on a bra and some boy shorts. I decided to wear Brock's gray sweater with some thigh-high gray boots.

"You look good, babe," Brock said, walking into the closet.

"Thank you," I said.

"What are you girls doing after lunch?" He asked.

"Probably go shopping and film more scenes for total divas or something that means you and the kids can have a daddy and our day out but be careful with my babies," I said.

"We'll be careful. No accidents like last time. I swear." He said.

"You better not," I said.

"Mommy!" Damon yelled, running to me.

"Kiss me. I'm leaving." I told him.

He kissed me and told me goodbye. I walked out to the garage getting in my car and turning the key over, starting the engine.

Brie: Are you on your way, babe

Queen: Yes, ma'am

Brie: Nicole wants a vacation. A whole friencation.

Queen: Are you serious?!!!!

Brie: Give you the deets when you get here, babe

Pulling into the parking lot, I turned off my car.

I ignored the paps and walked into the restaurant. I saw Brie waiting and assuming the others haven't arrived.

"The others on their way?" I asked, hugging her.

"Nicole is running late, and Nattie couldn't make it. T. J. is not feeling well." She told me.

"I hope he gets better," I said.

"Me too." She replied.

"Look, here comes Renee and Paige," I said, pointing to the entrance of the restaurant.

"Hey, lovely ladies," Renee said walked to the table.

"Hey, lovely ladies," Paige said.

"Hey, Renaynay," I said, getting up and hugging her.

"You look amazing, doll face," Renee said, blowing her a kiss.

"Thanks, guys, you all look great. Where's the rest of the girls?" She asked.

"Lana is busy right now, and Nicole is running late while Nattie couldn't make it cause T. J. is sick," Brie said.

"Oh wow, I hope he feels better." She said.

"Well, I'm not waiting for Nicole to get here to order food, so," I said, looking at the menu.

The girls laughed at me before looking at their menu.

"Hi, welcome to Lieu. Would you guys like to order?" A blonde waitress asked once she reached our table.

Renee and I ordered a double cheeseburger with fries and pink lemonade, while Brie ordered the usual for her and Nicole. Paige order chicken nuggets.

"I'll be back with your orders." She said, walking away.

"I'm here!" Nicole said, taking a seat at our table.

"Finally, we already ordered, and the others are not coming," Paige said.

My phone vibrated, and it was Brock sending me a pic of the kids.

Brocky: The kids wanted ice cream. We miss you.

Queen: Tell them I'll be home in a few, and I love them. I love you, honey. You are the best.

Brocky: I love you too, and you are the best mother.

"What are you looking at, Shaniece?" Nicole asked.

"Brock just sent me a picture of the kids," I said, showing the girls the picture.

"Aww, when are you guys going to have more kids?" Renee asked.

"We haven't talked about it; besides, I think he wants to get married first, and I'm not on the same page," I said.

"Why?" Brie asked.

"I had this talk with Stephanie like two days ago, but marriage is used as a way to find a partnership, instead of a way to celebrate one that already exists. And while I know that not all husbands are anything like what I've described, too many are. While I'm privileged to know some amazing married couples, I also know too many that aren't amazing, and they're knee-deep at the beginning of a divorce, or they live miserable, almost completely separate lives." I said.

"Does Brock know that's how you feel?" Renee asked.

"I don't think so, but I don't want him to feel he has to change the way he wants his life to go because of me," I said.

"So, are you willing to say yes if he proposes?" Paige asked.

"I truly don't know," I replied.

"Let's move on to a brighter topic," Nicole said.

"Yeah, like Shaniece's outfit," Paige said.

"How did Brock let you out of the house without having sex?" Renee asked.

"Who said we didn't have sex," I asked, smirking.

"Shaniece, you're so tiny that only you could rock a sweater and thigh-high boots," Brie said.

"I was in a lazy mode, so I put on Brock's gray sweater and boy shorts under with these boots," I said.

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