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Midnight blows in through the window; dances around the room
It got me hypnotized; I'm getting high on the perfume.

|Six months later|

''Hey, Shaniece.'' Shane greeted me as he walked into the Kitchen in his workout shorts.

I forced myself not to cringe my nose at the sight of him sweating like a pig and smiled at him.

"Hey, Shane," I said.

''Where's Brock?'' He questioned as he pulled the door of the refrigerator open.

He pulled out a water bottle before he kicked the door close behind him as he rounded the kitchen counter and sat right in front of me.

I couldn't help but wonder how my mother would react if she saw Shane sweating in her kitchen.

She'd scold him, that was for sure.

''I don't know,'' I answered him. ''He was just right here," I added.

Just then, my handsome man walked in.

I was never ashamed to ogle at Brock in front of people since he was my man, and I had the right to stare at him whenever I wanted.

Brock looked breathtaking in his casual attire.

He was wearing a plain tee with a pair of shorts, but even then, he managed to look so tempting that I wanted to jump his bones right there and then.

His mesmerizing blue eyes met mine.

For a minute, everything around us seemed to disappear- and it surprised me that even after being together for months, he still managed to have the same effect on me.

He then looked over at my brother with his smirk.

''Hey, Shane,'' Brock said.

I rolled my eyes at the two men with a smile as they greeted themselves with kisses on both cheeks.

The bromance that they shared was amusing but sometimes very annoying.

Nonetheless, I still loved both the idiots very much.

''Brock, Shane's sweating like a pig, and you're hugging him,'' I said.

Brock only shrugged at me in response as he wrapped his arm around Shane's shoulder, and the both of them engaged in a conversation.

It was then that I realized that Kassandra and Damon were nowhere in sight.

I hurried out of my mother's Kitchen to see where my kids were.

I could not help but be worried about my kids all the time, and it mostly made Brock laugh at me.

He thought I was constantly paranoid for no reason.

Thankfully, I didn't have to wander around much since I spotted them almost immediately in the living room.

Kassandra and Vaughn both sat in my sister Stephanie's lap as she stroked their hair.

Damon was seated on the floor as he looked up at Stephanie and told her about something.

It did my heart good as I stared at my sister and son bonding.

''There you guys are,'' I drawled with a smile as I neared them. ''Mommy has been looking around for you two,'' I said.

Stephanie rolled her eyes at me.

"Typical Shaniece. It would help if you stopped being so paranoid. Your kids need some quality aunt time. You know?'' Stephanie asked.

''Yeah, yeah,'' I responded as I picked up Vaughn in my arms.

My niece was so adorable- I just wanted to smother her with kisses every time I visited.

Vaughn was another blessing to our family, like Damon, Aurora, Murphy, Region, Kenyon, Declan, and Kassandra.

It felt wonderful to know that our family was slowly expanding.

''Do you know she peed on Paul again last night?'' Stephanie chuckled as she stared at her daughter in my arms. ''He was like, 'Why does she always pee when she sleeps next to me?' I laughed the whole night,'' She explained.

I couldn't help but chuckle back.

"That's the price that he has to pay for being a father to this angel,'' I said.

Vaughn seemed to understand my words since she giggled at me.

Kassandra started thrashing in Stephanie's arms, and for a moment, I thought she was jealous of Vaughn's attention, but my two-year-old daughter seemed to be staring at something behind me.

As I turned around, I saw the source of my daughter's restlessness-Brock.

Kassandra forcefully crawled out of Stephanie's lap before running as fast as her little legs could carry her- towards her father.

Brock picked almost immediately as she reached him and threw her up in the air before catching her in his arms again.

"Did Kassie miss Daddy?'' He questioned her; Kassandra nodded back almost immediately.

Brock chuckled before he kissed her on her cheek.

Damon didn't seem to like his sister getting all the attention since he ran towards his father, too, demanding attention.

"Dad!'' He yelled at Brock with his arms on his hips.

''Yes, Damon?'' Brock replied.

Damon raised his arms- as a sign of telling his father to pick him up as well.

''But Damon, you're a big boy now-''

''No.'' My four old son responded stubbornly.

Brock rolled his eyes at my son with a smile before he walked towards Stephanie and me.

He set Kassandra back in Stephanie's lap before picking Damon up. He sat Damon beside Stephanie as well.

I watched as he then grabbed Vaughn out of my arms and set her down in Stephanie's lap as well. He then sat down on the other sofa before pulling me onto his lap.

''How about only Mommy gets to sit on Daddy?'' Brock told Damon as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I couldn't even believe how good of a father Brock was. He was the perfect father to my kids. I turned around in his lap- facing him. Brock smiled at me before his piercing blue eyes trailed down to my lips.

Almost on instinct, his lips parted in anticipation at the sight of mine. Up this close- I could make out each detail of his face.

His stunning blue eyes framed with those long eyelashes, his stubble that sometimes made my face itch when he rubbed it with mine, his lips that were so tempting it was unbelievable, and all the other perfect features that made up Brock's face.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Brock leaned forward and planted his lips on mine. Like all the other times, fireworks exploded inside my head- pulling me closer to him.

His lips were sinful, and they were so soft, so moist.. and so very addicting. His arms tightened around my small frame as he pulled me closer against him.

Our mouths moved against each other in perfect sync before he bit into my lower lip, demanding entrance, which I gladly granted him as his tongue tangled with mine.

It wasn't until a ball hit the back of my head that I pulled away from my boyfriend with a groan. ''What the hell?''

''Get a room,'' Stephanie responded.

''Where did you even get a ball?''

''That's for me to know and for you to find out, honey.''

I could only raise my eyebrow at her in reply as Brock buried his head in the crook of my neck with a groan- frustrated that Stephanie had interrupted, and I couldn't help but feel the same way.

We needed to head home.

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