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"Did you see your total divas promo?" Nicole asked.

"Yeah, I liked it. So when are we shooting our next scene?" I said.

"I think the rest of the girls are doing a scene in catering, so probably after that." She said.

"Maybe we should go to catering because these heels are killing me," I said.

I was walking until I see Nicole stop.

"Why did you stop?" I asked her.

"Brock is staring at you, and now he's coming over. Maybe we should turn the other way." Nicole said.

"What? No. Brock is harmless." I tell Nicole.

"Hey, Shaniece. Hey Nikki Bella, right? " Brock said.

"Umm, hi," Nicole said.

"Hey Bubba," I said, hugging Brock.

"How do you know him, " Nicole asked.

"We dated obviously, " I said in a duh tone.

"Really," Nicole said.

"Yup, I dated this little killer, and now I'm gonna have a conversation with her in my locker room," Brock said, walking away with me following him.

We made it to his locker room, and he let me walk in first. He closed the door before standing there and looking me up and down.

"What is there something wrong with my outfit? " I asked.

"No, you look great; I'm just trying to figure out why I let you go all them years ago? " he said

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"No, you look great; I'm just trying to figure out why I let you go all them years ago? " he said.

"I don't know, maybe because you like big boobs that I don't have, or perhaps because you have more mood swings than a pregnant woman, and I should know because I've been pregnant before. " I said.

"I don't have mood swings. I'm just easily annoyed by people." He said.

"Brock, I've known you seen you were twenty-five years old, and I know you change like the damn weather in Florida," I said.

"Are you calling me bipolar? " he asked.

"Are you saying that you're bipolar?" I asked.

"I'm not fucking bipolar," he yelled.

"Don't yell at me. I'll castrate you in a heart beep, Mister. " I said.

"Then how would I be able to fuck you senseless?" He asked.

"Brock, you're not fucking nothing senseless, okay. What are you doing here tonight? I don't remember seeing your schedule for anything, and where's Paul? " I said.

"I do not schedule, and I don't know where he is. I'm here for you." He said.

"Little ole me," I said.

"Yes, remember I said I do everything in my power to get you back, and even if I had to kidnap you and our kids, then so be it." He said.

"Brock, you said our kids. I don't remember having kids with you." I said.

"For a man to be able to win the heart of the one he loves, then he must accept those who come with her heart which means your kids are mine and mine are yours." He said.

"That's wonderful, but we're not together, and my kids haven't met you yet, so how can you be so sure they'll like you? " I said.

"Because who doesn't like me," he said.

"Brock, half of the WWE roster doesn't like you. Hell, even the janitor doesn't like you, and he doesn't even speak English. " I said.

"Damn, that would hurt if I did care about people not liking me; as long as you and our kids like me, then I'm wonderful." He said.

"Brock Lesnar, you are a weird man," I said.

"I'm your weird man, and don't tell anyone I act like this because it would ruin my reputation around here." He said.

"And we can't have that because people would step all over you. By the way, if we're going to start dating, then you should know I'm on a reality show now, and cameras might follow me a lot." I said.

"I don't know how we're going to deal with that, but I'm fine with it as long as they don't film me all the time and leave when I want them to." He said.

"Deal, now Lesnar carry me to catering because I'm hungry. " I said, holding out my hands to be picked up.

"Maybe I could feed you something else," he said, picking me up.

"Stop being nasty," I said, hitting his chest.

"I can't help it; you make me horny." He said, laughing.

"You can't resist my sexiness," I said.

"Never could." He said.

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