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|Character Information|

Shaniece Karlie McMahon, born on April 18, 1979 (age 37), is an American businesswoman, minority owner, television personality, socialite, and the President of WWE, where she negotiates business deals, launches wrestling merchandise, sign wrestler contracts, and manage and writes for WWE publications.

A fourth-generation wrestling promoter as a member of the McMahon family, she has worked for WWE since she was a teenager (modeling t-shirts and other merchandise for various WWE catalogs), working her way up to the receptionist, then indifferent front office jobs up to and including her current President of WWE position.

She is the great-granddaughter of Roderick "Jess" McMahon, granddaughter of Vincent J. McMahon, the younger daughter of WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon and retired CEO/United States Senate candidate Linda McMahon, the younger sister of WWE part-owner/wrestler Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon Levesque, and sister in law of WWE executive/wrestler Paul "Triple H" Levesque.

She is a single mother of two, Damon Shane McMahon, born December 14, 2009, and Kassandra Kavana McMahon, born July 25, 2012.


I was sitting in my office going over some documents when Stephanie came busting through the door.

"I can't believe it; you're going to appear on Raw as the general manager," Stephanie said.

"Yeah, I know, right. Dad called me and was like, I know you're going to hate this, but I don't care, show up tomorrow," I said.

"Welp, that's dad, but how are my favorite niece and nephew doing?" Stephanie asked.

"Hush, you know you don't want Shane hearing you say that, but they are doing great. I mean, they ask about you know who a lot, and I feel bad that their father is a sorry excuse of a man," I said.

"Sweetie, you should not feel bad; you couldn't help but fall in love with someone who had a double life. You are the best thing that Damon and Kassandra have, okay. Cheer up! Smile, and you might find your new man here," She said.

"Steph, I don't think I could date someone from this company. No offense to you and Paul," I said.

"I understand what you mean, but still, it wouldn't hurt to have sex with one of them; I mean, you haven't had sex in what like three or four years now, right. I don't know how you do it," Stephanie said.

"Can we please not talk about my sex life. I'm happy with the way things are now. I have my kids and a job that pays well, so I don't need a man," I said.

"That's what you're saying now, but when of those incredibly fit men pass by, you're going to change your mind in a heart beep. But I have to go, so I'll talk to you later," She said, walking out of my office.

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