Dysfunctional family

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(Your POV)

"I shit you not Craig, even though you can't grow a fucking beard you're starting to look like my 55 year old uncle who never fucking showered and was always drunk." I say looking over at Craig. He literally has let himself go. His hair practically covers his eyes now and his facial hair.... I'm not even gonna get started on it.

     "I mean what's the point anymore?" He asks, looking out the window of the car. Jonathan looks over at him and reaches over me and slaps him across the face.

     "How about you shut the hell up Craig." Jonathan says returning back to  the wheel.

     Craig rubs his cheek and continues to look out the window. I slump down in the seat and look out the windshield. Why did we have to take the truck? Why couldn't we have taken the car? None of this would be happening if we took the car.

     "We should've taken the car." I say breaking the silence. Jonathan sighs and grips to the steering wheel a little bit tighter. Like a dysfunctional family I swear to fucking Christ.

     "The truck has the bed so we can load more supplies into it. If we took the car we wouldn't be able to pack as much supplies into it." Jonathan says. Again the truck goes quiet.

     Up ahead I see a zombie limping to no place in particular. Craig rolls down his window, letting out the hot air and letting in the cold air. He takes his gun out and leans outside the window. He starts to repeatedly shoot the zombie, missing each time till what seems like the final bullet he ends up hitting the zombie, almost missing it though. Jonathan slams on the breaks and turns his head to look at Craig.

     "WAS THAT FUCKING NECESSARY?! NO! IT WASN'T!" Jonathan yells. Craig puts his gun up and looks out his window. Jonathan doesn't give up the stare. I slump down even more in the seat, literally in the middle of this.

"Now what if there was a gang nearby? They probably fucking heard us and are going to come look for us now thanks to your stupid ass." Jonathan says rolling his eyes and starting to drive again.

     I miss the Jonathan that was loving and all he wanted to was cuddle with me, now it seems like all he cares about is being in charge while wanting to keep us safe by not even letting us shoot our gun unless we absolutely have to.

     "The fucker was in our way." Craig says setting his hand on the ledge of the window and setting his head on it.

     "The "fucker" was on the side of the fucking road! How in the hell was it in our way?!" Jonathan exclaims. Can Craig just roll his window up please? It's already freezing in here. I watch as Craig just shrugs his shoulders. I put my hands in my hoodie and curl up into a ball. Jonathan glances over at me and sighs.

     "Can you roll up your damn window now? (Y/N) is fucking freezing!" Jonathan says. I look at Craig as he just rolls his eyes. Jonathan wraps an arm around me and pulls me close to him. He starts to mumble something under his breath to where I can't even hear it. I ask him what he said but he ignores me.

     Can we please arrive at the store already? I thought it only took 15 minutes to get there?! Why the hell is it taking so long now? Craig sighs and starts to roll up his window, but he doesn't bother even glancing at Jonathan's way.

     "Just a couple more minutes (Y/N). Think you can handle it?" Jonathan asks looking down at my slumped body with a smile on his face. I smile back at him.

     "I don't know. This dysfunctional family of ours is worse then....." I stop myself before I could say her name.

     If I even bring up Hopes name, Craig starts to cry and will literally shut us out for the rest of the day. Sometimes if we're at home he'll completely disappear for the whole day then come back when it's pitch black outside. Jonathan doesn't question anything since he already knows what I was going to say.

     The rest of the ride was dead silent. I was kinda relieved when I saw the store come into sight, but my heart kinda dropped when I saw another car in the once empty parking lot. Jonathan stops the truck and stares at the store. He lets go of the grip on me and puts both hands on the steering wheel again.

     "What..... what do we do know?" I ask him. He ignores my question and slowly accelerates forward.

     "Jonathan what are you-" he clamps a hand onto my mouth, shutting me up.

     "We approach the store nice and calm and then we politely tell the people here to get the fuck out of our store." Jonathan says taking his hand away from my mouth.

     He pulls into the parking lot and turns off the ignition. He grabs the AK-47 off of the ground and opens his door. Craig opens his door as well and gets out. I slide out of Jonathan's side and close the door. Jonathan looks at me and practically pins me against the door.

     "YOU need to be quiet. You can't just slam the door like it's nothing." He says quietly to me. I didn't necessarily slam it but whatever floats his boat.

     He looks into my eyes and gives me a quick kiss before backing off of me. Still not dating, he still hasn't asked me. I hate how he's giving me all of these mixed fucking emotions. We reload our guns and quickly walk towards the front door.

     "Only shoot when necessary, understand?" Jonathan asks us. I nod my head while Craig just looks at the ground.

     Jonathan opens up the door and let's us walk inside. As we walk inside Jonathan closes the door behind us and  points the AK-47 up in the air and pulls the trigger, the gun starts to rapidly fire.

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