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(Your POV)

     As I continue to walk all I could think about was where Hope could be. Wait if Hope and Craig got split up and Hopes alone right now? What if Craig just left her? Why did Evan lie to me? I look up and see that I'm already at the truck. Surprised no one came and tried to take it.

"I believe Evan." I hear someone behind me say. I jump a little from the voice. I turn around and shine the flashlight at the person. Delirious walks up to me.

"How? Where you there?" I ask, crossing my arms. He shakes his head no.

"No, but as we where running after you I saw Hope and Craig running away towards the woods, I tried to call out to them but I guess they didn't hear." He says. I cross my arms, still not believing what I'm hearing.

"I'll believe it when I see her face to face with me." I say. He sighs and looks at the ground.

"We'll search in the morning for-" I cut him off.

"DELIRIOUS! SHE ISN'T OUT HERE JUST LET IT GO! SHE'S GONE! DEAD!" I yell to him. I see the guys start to walk up to us. I sigh and turn off the flashlight.

     "She had the worst life ever, abusive parents that would always hit and mentally broke her down, bullied in school because of the way she acted. My parents helped her move to England to get her away from everything." I say. Memories start to come back to me as I remember the day the we dropped her off at the airport. I never seen her so happy before, I feel my eyes start to get heavy with tears

     "And I can never repay you (Y/N). Never in my life. I probably wouldn't be here if you and you haven't helped me." I look up as I see the small girl walk up to me. She wraps her arms around me and squeezes me tight. She's alright, she's not dead, she's here. I wrap my arms around her to make sure that I'm not dreaming. I start to cry harder, she's safe.

     "I THOUGHT YOU WHERE FUCKING DEAD!" I yell. She starts to laugh and sniffles, like she's been crying.

     "I can assure you this short badass girl isn't dying anytime soon." She says, causing the guys and I to laugh a little. I let go of the hug and get a good look at her.

     "So, what the hell was wrong with you? Why couldn't we visit you?" I ask wiping away the tears and disgusting snot. She lets go of me and starts to rub her neck.

     "You're gonna laugh at this..... I was staving, literally, because I haven't eaten anything for a couple of days it caused me to throw up. The dumbasses thought I was infected." She says. God I missed her so much. Always knows how to make people smile no matter the situation.

     "Now, enough about this. Evan told me that you guys found houses stocked with food. I wanna check to see if any of them have any Pringles in them." She says. Causing the guys and I to laugh again.

It was cramped on the way back to the house but it was worth it. It wasn't a bad cramped though, it was that feeling that everyone was together, well almost everyone.

     "So, why'd you leave?" Hope asks me. The guys turn their gaze to me. All I do is shrug my shoulders.

     "If you had to opportunity to leave a prison would you?" I ask. She quickly nods her head.

     "When you where.... In the medical tent they didn't...... hurt you did they?" I ask. Hope lays her head on Craig's shoulder.

     "They didn't touch me but before Craig came in some of the soldiers kept cat calling me. I'm just glad to be out, out of that place in general." She says.

     We cleared out two houses and half of us went into one while the other half went into the other one, luckily I was  in the one with Hope. The water was still working so everyone took a much needed shower including me. After we all took a shower we all picked a bedroom to stay in and went straight to bed. Hope and I shared a room, she protested cause she wanted to be with Craig but finally obliged.

"So what do we do? Just live here for the rest of our lives?" Cole asks. I take another bite of the eggs. Evan shrugs his shoulders.

"It's better then just moving from place to place. Wouldn't you just want to have one home?" Brian says. I nod my head agreeing with him.

"I think this is actually a good place to stay. Get like a wall at the front so people or zombies don't just walk in and we have all these houses to our selfs." I say. Hope starts to smile and stands up.

"Anyone want seconds? I'm happy to make more." She says. Cole and Craig both raise their hands. She smiles at them and starts to walk inside.

"Good breakfast Hope! Thanks for making it for us!" I yell to her before she walks inside. I turn my attention back to the guys.

"I see nothing wrong with that idea, only problem is how are we gonna get a vehicle big enough to block it?" Mason asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"There has to be some place nearby, we just have to look." I say. Evan stands up from his chair.

"I'm going for a walk around the place, anyone's welcome to join me if they want." Evan says throwing the paper plate into the fire before walking away. Delirious sighs and stands up as well.

"I'll go see what's up with him." He says. Throwing his plate into the fire as well.

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