Russian roulette

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If you probably haven't realized from the last chapter, this book may get graphic at some parts, like this chapter for example will get graphic. If it does just go along with it. I watch tv shows and movies like, 'The walking dead, Fear the Walking dead, Zombieland, final destination, saw' you know movie and shows that are all bloody and gore. So yeah, that's why my writing/mind is all gore and fucked up :/ Anyways sorry if the last chapter disturbed you and sorry about this one as well. And another thing, if this chapter is shitty, please ignore it. It's very late when I'm writing this at a friends house!

(Your POV)

     After an hour Hope finally stopped crying. I hear her stomach start to growl. She sighs, do they feed her? How long has she been in here for?

"Hope, how long have you been here for?" I ask. I can hear people start to talk downstairs but I couldn't understand them.

     "Since yesterday morning. Well, afternoon. I don't know it was around 11." She says. I start to hear someone walk up the stairs. Hope gasps and I hear her squirm in her chair.

     "Stay quiet (Y/N)." She hisses. The door opens and in walks a tall person with a bandana over half of his face.

     "What are you looking at bitch?" The dude says to me. I look away from him and look at the ground. He walks to me and stands in front of me.

     "Did I tell you to look away from me?" He asks. I look up at him and spit at him.

     "Why the hell are you doing this? The world just went to shit yesterday." I snap at him. He wipes the spit off of his face. He then throws a punch at my face, hitting me in the jaw. He then slaps me across the face.

     "Talk back to me bitch and see what happens." He yells at me. He slaps me again and then walks away from me. Tears fall down my face and I start to cry.

      "Hello babe. How are you doing today?" I hear him say to Hope. I stop crying and try to look back.

      "Leave her alone! Don't touch her anymore!" I yell at the dude.

"Awe, that's so cute that you think I'm not gonna do that." He says. I hear something crash downstairs. The dude quickly walks out the of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"(Y/N), don't do that ever again. He will try and kill you, trust me." She says. I hear yelling come from downstairs.

"God, I'm so hungry." She says before sighing again. As if on cue her stomach starts to growl again.

"Do you have any idea on what time it is?" I ask Hope.

"No, if I had a watch on me I would tell you." Hope says sarcastically. "Sorry....... I just....." She starts to cry again.

After a little while Hope stops crying and all that fills the room is her sniffling. I then start to hear screaming come from downstairs followed by a single gunshot. Hope stops and goes silent. The arguing stops, I hear a couple of people storm up the stairs. I hear the door open in the room next to us and someone yelling out a fuck. The door slams shut and the footsteps start to walk away from our door.

The door suddenly opens and I jump from the suddenness. Hope gasp and then starts to cry.

"CRAIG! EVAN! HOPES IN HERE!" I hear a familiar voice yell. I turn my head to see who it was. I felt relief in my heart when I saw a glimpse of Lui. I see him run out of my line of sight, probably to help Hope.

"COLE! MASON! I FOUND (Y/N) AS WELL." Lui yells. A couple seconds later, another person runs in the doorway. I start to smile as I see Cole. He runs to me, his face showing all kinds of emotions. He pulls out a knife and starts to cut the rope.

"How in the hell did you guys find us?!" I exclaim. He stops cutting for a couple seconds and starts to cut again.

"I woke up just in time to see you being knocked out and put into a car. I ran into Evan and his friends on the way to find where these guys where taking you and we all ambushed this place together." He says. I felt the rope loosen around my hands and it finally drop to the floor. I start to rub my hands from the rope burn.

     As I get up I see Cole shirtless as he hands me his shirt. I quickly put it on and give Cole a hug. I then stop as I see Craig and Evan walk into the room. Craig goes straight for Hope while Evan stares at me for a few seconds, before going to see if Hopes okay. I let go of Cole and go to Hope, I gasp at her condition. He lip busted and already bruising, black and blue spots all over her body, especially on her face.

She starts to cry again and covers her arms around her body. Craig takes off his shirt and puts it on Hope. He then picks her up like a small child.

"Delirious is still downstairs, we need to help him." Evan says, quickly walking out of the room. Lui and Cole nod before following behind him.

Craig slumps to the floor, Hope still in his arms, and starts to rock her back and forth as tears come to his eyes. I decide to leave them alone and walk out of the room and walk downstairs. I see everyone gathered around in a circle like how I met them. I see David and go to him. I tap on his shoulder and he looks at me. His eyes go wide before stepping out of my way. I look at the center and see the 5 gang members all tied down in chairs. Their bandanas they where wearing earlier being used as a gag. I look at everyone in shock.

     "What do you guys planning on doing?!" I yell. The guys look at me like I'm crazy. Cole pulls out a revolver out of his pocket. He puts in a single bullet and then spins the cylinder ammo clip around a couple times.

     "(Y/N) they fucked you and Hope up, we fuck them up with one of my favorite games..... Russian roulette. You guys didn't deserve what they did to you so this is only punishment." Cole says. Everyone stands back a little, while I just stood there, waiting for what was gonna happen next.

     Cole goes up the the first guy and looks him dead in the eyes. He then puts the gun the guys head. He clicks the trigger but only a click happens. Cole sighs in disappointment.

     "Damn, and I thought you would be the lucky one." He says. He then goes to the next guy, doing the same process. He clicks the trigger and the gun goes off. Causing me to jump. I turn my head away from everyone and walk out of the room.

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