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I'm so sorry for not uploading last night! I came home from school and found that the internet wasn't working! It sucked since I needed to use it for my homework ! Bleh, I'm actually writing this on my way to school and in school! So yeah, don't kill me....... Here's the next chapter

(Your POV)

I was lightly shook awake. I open my eyes and see someone kneeling in front of me. I quickly realize that it's Cole.

"We're leaving here in a few minutes. Grab a can of whatever off of one of the shelves." He says. I nod my head and sit up. I watch as he goes over to Mason and shakes him awake.

"Are you guys brothers?" I ask. Cole looks at me and shakes his head no.

"Best friends actually. Now hurry up. I want to get out of this place before anyone or thing realizes that we are in here." Cole says.

I get up this time and start walking out of the back room and start to look through the shelves of the store. I decide on a can of tomato soup. I look out of the window and see that the sun is barely lighting the street. It has to be at least 6 in the morning at the earliest. I walk back to the room and sit down. I take out my knife and stab the lid of the can. Cole starts to laugh and then hands me something. I look at the object and realize it's a can opener. I take my knife out of the can and open it with the can opener.

"I found it on one of the shelves. Now, after your done, take this bag and get everything that looks useful and put it in here." He says tossing me a bag. Mason gets up and walks to me. He grabs the bag and walks out of the room.

"What am I supposed to eat this with?" I ask. Cole shrugs his shoulders.

"Just chug it like a beer I guess. I'm sorry I didn't know I had to grab spoons and forks while this was happening. Maybe next time you should remind me." Cole says sarcastically. I roll my eyes. I look down at the can. Better I look like a slob then, I starve and die. I start to drink the soup.

After a couple minutes I finish all of the soup. I throw the can across the room. Cole looks at me confused.

"Was that really necessary?" He asks. I nod my head and get up.

I walk out of the room and walk to Mason, who was stacking cans upon cans in the bag almost over filling the bag. What about other things? Is there any water in here. I stop him before he puts another can in.

"What about water? Or pop or something like that. Something to drink." I say. He starts to shake his head.

"I already checked, it's all gone. All that's in here is a knife and the food." He says. Cole comes out of the back room carrying the two pistols and the flashlight.

"Let's get a move on. We leave now it won't be dark when we get to wherever we're heading to." Cole says. Mason stuffs a couple more cans into the bag. He then struggles to zip it up.

"Is that even necessary? Do we honestly need that many cans?" I ask. They both nod their heads.

"We don't know how long this is gonna last for. Week, month, hell maybe even a year." Cole says. They both start to walk to the front door. Cole peaks his head out of the door and looks around.

"Looks like we're good, let's get a move on then." Cole says already walking out the door. I walk up to Mason and follow them.

"When you drove your car from the convention center to wherever you went, precisely how long did it take you to get to your location?" Mason asks. Cole starts to laugh to himself.

"You are a total nerd." He says. Why are they even friends? They're nothing alike in anyway.

"Well, it took us a good 30 minutes by car. So maybe at least 3 hours on foot? I'm not sure I'm not good at math." I say. Mason nods his head and starts to look around the abandoned street.

"So what's the story between you two? You guys aren't anything alike whatsoever, like your and don't get offended of it but you're the typical nerd it seems like, Cole seems like he plays every sport known to man." I say to Mason. Cole looks back at me.

"I needed some help with my college homework, you probably know how sophomore year of college is. Anyways, since I was failing my classes, and if I failed my classes I couldn't play Baseball anymore. So the nerd helped me and we quickly became friends." Cole said. He turns on the next street and quickly comes back. He pushes us against the wall and throws his free hand over my mouth.

"Whatever you do, don't make any noise. You both understand me." He says quietly, looking between Mason and I. We all look at each other and nod our heads. Cole takes his hand off of my mouth and gets his pistol ready.

"How many where there?" I ask. Cole puts a finger to my lips. Mason reloads his pistol.

"They weren't zombies, it was a group of people walking this way. About 5 of them, probably a gang. We go into this alley and wait for them to pass. So no contact with them is made and no gunfire is-" He was cut off by a gun going off. Cole grabs my hand and quickly walks into the alley. Mason follows behind us. We hide behind a dumpster and then play the waiting game.

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