Mr. Holland

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(Your POV)

     "Can't believe BRIAN has to come with us." Hope says glaring back behind her.

     "I'm not happy about this either sweet pea. Just because you're going to get Pringles from the drug store for your period ass doesn't mean-" Hope stops walking and turns completely around so she's facing Brian.

     "Shush Brian, stop trying to impress (Y/N). I'm pretty sure Cole and Evan already claimed her. And it's natural for a girl to be on her period, are you sure you're not on yours?" Hope asks. I look at Brian as his cheeks start to grow red. I can feel my cheeks heat up as well. I continue to walk ahead leaving Hope behind. She quickly catches up to me leaving Brian further back.

     "It's true, I overheard Cole talking I Mason about you and Evan talking to Delirious about you. You decide (Y/N), it's up to you." She says quietly. I look at her like she's crazy.

     "Just because they where talking about me does not mean that they like me Hope, this isn't middle school anymore." I say. She starts to laugh.

     "I know but guys never mature, take Evan and Cole for example. They might get into a fight to win you over, it's kinda like an alpha wolf and another alpha wolf." She says. I playfully roll my eyes. Brian runs up to us and stops us both.

"Keep talking loud ladies. Might attract some company." He says pointing his machete towards the store, where a couple zombies slowly stumble around the place. I cock the pistol and start to walk forward, but Brian stops me.

"Unless you want to get gangbanged, I suggest you take this." He says giving me his machete. I give him a quick smile and start to walk to the nearest zombie.

     I raise up the huge knife and bring it down onto the zombies skull. The machete cracking bone and flesh. I quickly take it out as the next zombie starts to stumble it's way to me. I stab the machete out into its forehead killing that one as well. The last zombie notices my attention and starts to run towards me. I take out the machete in just enough time and slash the zombies head into half. It's head opening up reveling blood, flesh, and parts of its now dead brain. I gag at the sight and start to back away from it.

"Okay Ms. Showoff, trying to show that your better then me." Brian says walking up to me. Hope starts to laugh and shakes her head.

"Awe, is someone jealous? Jealous that she's better at killing them you?" Hope says in a baby voice. Brain crosses his arms and crosses his head.

"Whatever, let's just grab a couple things and get out of here." He says, already seeming annoyed.

As we go into the drugstore we all go into different aisles. Of course Hope goes to the chips and crap and starts to stockpile up on Pringles. I go to the medicine aisle and Brian just stands at the front keeping watch.


"Keep it down loudmouth, zombies might hear you from a mile away." Brian says quietly. Hope groans and takes a can of another flavor. I look and grab a couple bottles of Advil and Ibuprofen. I've been getting headaches again ever since I crashed my car. They stopped after a little bit but they're starting to come back.

Brian does a double take from looking outside the door and quickly moves away from it.

"Get under the shelfs. There's a couple of guys coming with guns." He says. Hope and I look at each other confused.

"Why do we need to hide?" She asks. Brian goes to her row and starts to push her down, she finally obliges and starts to get under the shelf. I shake the sense of shock away and get under the shelf.

     "Stay quiet (Y/N) you too loud mouth Don't know what these guys might do." He says quietly.

     "Glad that you came with us now." Hope says quietly. Yeah, I am as well.

     "Shh, let's wait." He says. A couple seconds after he said that the door opened.

    "Now, no need to be hiding from me. I promise I won't hurt you, not yet anyway." I hear an older mans voice say. I stop breathing for a second, hoping that it hadn't gotten to loud. Even though I don't think it is.

"Awe come on, I just want to see my son after SOO long." The older man says. None of us still not moving an inch. A gun goes off scaring the shit out of me which caused me to hit my head onto the shelf.

"Oh, I see. Under the shelfs, smart move. Well was a smart move. Now get out from under the shelfs so I can see all of you. Unless you want this to blast your god damn head off." The guy says.

This time I start to crawl out from under the shelf. I rub my forehead, as it starts to pound, a headache already coming on. I stand up and look at the guy and his little group of friends. Brian and Hope both stand up looking at the guy. Brian holding his gun out while Hope is slowly moving behind him. She needs a weapon, and soon. The guy starts to laugh.

"So this is my sons survival group? Is he fucking retarded? Two girls, one of them weak as hell and the other one pointless?" The same guy says. I try to point out every feature on him. White and black beard, balding, middle aged.

"I'm sorry, who's your son exactly? And how the hell do you know where he's been?" Brain asks, turning the safety off of his gun. The man and his friends start to laugh.

"Mr. Holland, also known as Cole Hollands dad to be exact. I'm guessing he doesn't talk about me much. I can't see why not." He says.

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