Wait till morning

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(Your POV)

We slowly drove into the city. The whole time Cole kept saying on how it was a bad idea, while Mason ignored him and kept on driving. We made it to the outer city limits and it was like a switch was suddenly flipped. Down the street I watched as a car exploded then started to catch on fire. Mason stops the car.

"Holy fuck! We have to get outta here! We'll fucking die if we don't!" Cole yells. Mason ignores him.

Another car, this time even closer to us explodes and starts to catch on fire. Cole quickly ducks down and starts to grab things off of the floor. He then sits back up and hands something to Mason. He then looks back and hands me something as well. As I grab it, I realized it was a pistol from the metal.

"If shit goes down. We run like hell in different directions. You understand me?" He says looking between Mason and I.

I nod my head. Hopefully I can run and my head won't hurt like fucking shit. Cole quickly opens the door and gets out. He turns on a small flashlight. Mason turns off the car and gets out as well. I take a deep breath and open the door. Mason comes around to our side and holds his gun out in front of him, like he's ready to shoot in an instant.

"Keep your finger off the trigger unless you need to shoot." Cole whispers loudly to the both of us.

He crouches down and starts to walk more into the city. As soon as I started to walk I fell flat on my face. My headache instantly coming back. Cole stops and comes back to me. He picks me up and puts me on his shoulder. He then proceeds to walk again.

"Luckily you aren't that heavy and I can carry you easily." He whispers to me. It's better for him to carry me and me not like it, then I try to walk but fail miserably and probably end up dead.

I start to smell strong blood. I cover my nose and watch as Mason does the same. Cole sighs and continues to walk.

"Looks like some people are hungry." He says pointing up ahead. I turn my head just enough and see about 10 zombies on their knees and pulling flesh from something, probably from a person from the looks of it. Mason raises his gun but Cole stops him before he can shoot.

"It'll draw them to us. Besides, there could be thousands of them in here. They hear the gunshot, we all die. And you know how fast some of these fuckers can run." He says quietly. Some? The ones that I've seen all ran.

"What do you mean some of them run fast? I thought they all did?" I say. Cole shakes his head.

"Some run fast and some walk slowly. Some turn within a few seconds or minutes and others turn within days. At least that's what the news said." He says. I start to hear more explosions happen but farther away from us.

"The convention center is just a few blocks away. Are you getting an idea of where to go?" Mason ask. I start to look around.

"Considering that it's pitch black and the only light is from Coles flashlight and the fires from the cars not really." I say. Mason looks at the ground.

I start to hear snarling near us. Cole and Mason stop walking. Cole shines the flashlight around the place to see where it was coming from. He finally stops at a car and I see the zombie underneath it, reaching his hands towards us. Cole laughs a little bit before walking again.

We go down a couple more streets and I see the huge shadow of the convention center up ahead. Cole shines his light at it. He then sets me down for me to get a better look.

"You know where to go from here?" Cole asks. Both Mason and I look at him confused.

     "Are we seriously leaving her to the wolves?! Her arms fucked up and needs stitches, there's something wrong with her head, concussion probably, and what if she gets lost?! We have to help her get to her destination!" Mason says loudly. Cole shushes him.

     "I wasn't saying it how she needs to leave and find her own way back. I was asking her if she knew the way to wherever since we don't know where she's going dip shit. You also need to learn to speak quietly." Cole says quietly.

     I suddenly hear growling right next to us and the next thing I know I'm being pinned down by a zombie. I scream as loud as I can and try to get it off of me. It keeps nipping at me but misses me by a few millimeters. I continue to scream, yelling at them to get it off of me. A gunshot goes off and the zombie stops. It falls onto its side and I quickly get up.

     "New plan, go inside the store. We're waiting till morning to travel." Cole says, already pushing Mason and I towards the door. Luckily the door was unlocked so we got inside quickly.

     Cole starts to go around the store with his flashlight and gun out. Leaving Mason and I standing there at the door, waiting for him to say it's all clear. He goes into the backroom for a couple of seconds before coming back out.

     "It's clear. Come back here, lets not risk being near the door." He says. Mason and I start to walk to the back room. We sit on a couple of chairs and all look at each other. We stay quiet for a little bit.

     "Well, I don't know about you guys but I'll watch us while you two get some needed rest. Those fuckers probably heard the gunshot and are coming this way now. I'll wake you if I need anything." Cole says. Mason grabs the cushion from the chair and lays on the ground. I don't think I'm gonna be sleeping for a little while now after what's happened today.

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