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(Your POV)

Gunshots started to rapidly go off. Waking me up from my sleep. I get out of bed and go to the window. The sun barely rising over the tree line. I hear either Hope or Craig quickly get up and run down the hall into my room.

"What the hell is going on?!" Hope exclaims. I hear the front door open and quickly slam shut.

I slip on my shoes and grab her hand and go to the front door. Trying to follow Craig to see where he was going. As we stepped out of the house I just see zombies all over the entrance. The guys shooting and trying to kill them. Craig and Delirious run to us.

"We're leaving NOW! Evan said meet at the store up the road." Delirious says. Hope and I look at each other confused.

     "What if that place is overrun as well?! Then what?!" Hope exclaims. A zombie starts to run over here but Delirious quickly shoots it before it gets any closer. I watch as Craig kneels down, and Hope climbs onto his back.

     "Bad knee. She fucked it up at the gym. I'm afraid she's gonna fuck it up anymore when we start running. Good thing your light." Craig says looking at her. Delirious starts to take off without us, we start to run after him.

     "We don't have enough time for stories! We can tell them later!" Delirious yells, looking back at us.

     As we continue to run I started to slow down, losing my breath. Craig started to run ahead of me.

     "Come on (Y/N), just a little bit longer!" I hear Delirious yell way ahead of me.

     It seemed like a while to we actually got to the store. But as soon as we saw it and that it was roaming with zombies we stopped running.

     "The hell do we do know?! We're supposed to meet here!" Craig says looking at Delirious. Hope hops down from Craig. A huge sigh of relief coming from Craig.

     "I..... I don't know! I actually don't know!" Delirious says starting to rub the back of his neck. Hope starts to look around the place.

     "Isn't there another cul-de-sac up the road a little ways? We can go to that!" Hope suggests. We all look at each other.

     "We have nowhere to go, it's probably our best shot." Craig says. Delirious starts to nod.

"Good, then we'll wait till the end of the day and then make our way back here." Delirious says still nodding.

"What if the guys aren't here? What if these zombies never leave? WHAT IF WE FUCKING LOSE THEM?!" I exclaim. Delirious puts his finger to the mouth part of his mask.

"Yell any louder and we got company. Now, lets run by these fuckers and get to the cul-de-sac before one of them notices us." Delirious says, taking his finger away from his mask.

"I can run Craig, I'll be fine." Hope says. Craig shakes his head and kneels down. Delirious shakes his head as well.

"Not risking you to get hurt again and not be able to walk anymore." Craig says. Hope sighs and climbs onto Craig's back.

As we run pass the store a couple zombies look our way and start to run after us. Delirious stops and turns around, starting to shoot at the zombies. We stop to see what he's doing.

"GO! I'LL CATCH UP TO YOU GUYS!" He yells to us. And with that we started to run again. We get about a good 10 feet from him when he starts to fire his gun, making both Craig and I to jump a little.

5 gunshots later and he stops. I look back and see him looking at the zombies before starting to run again. It didn't take him long to catch back up to us.

"I told you I'll catch up. Now come on! Before the rest of them start to catch up." Delirious says.

We make it to the cluster of houses and decide to go with the first house. Delirious and Craig go inside to check out the house, leaving Hope and I by the door incase something happens. They wave us inside and before I know it, I'm laying down on one of the couches, catching my breath. Delirious lifts up my legs and sits down on the couch, then letting my legs rest on his lap.

"So we uh..... found something VERY interesting in the house." Delirious says starting to laugh. Craig starts to chuckle as well.

"Interesting indeed." Craig says. Hope and I look at them confused.

     "The hell do you mean by interesting?" Hope asks. Delirious continues to laugh.

     "Apparently whoever lived here before all of this shit was a weed grower, dealer, and or smoker." Delirious says. I start to laugh a little. But Hope takes it to the next level. She gets up and starts dancing around and cheering.

     "FINALLY GET TO SMOKE MY POT AGAIN!" She says while cheering. Craig sighs and shakes his head.

     "Hope you never had pot before." Craig says. Hope stops dancing and crosses her arms.

     "Well I want to try it! I mean it's the end of the world, who the fuck cares! One thing crossed off my bucket list!" She says. Delirious and I continue to laugh.

     "What else is on that bucket list of yours? Get high off of cocaine? Bungee jumping?" I ask. Hope shakes her head no.

     "Just this for now, I know I'll think of something later." She says.

(Evans POV)

     We run up to the store and see zombies surrounding it. My heart instantly dropping. I start to frantically look around, hoping I won't see (Y/N) as a zombie or even worse, guts hanging on the outside of her body instead of the insides.

     "We gotta move! We can't just stay here!" Marcel says. Tyler points his gun at a couple of zombies on the ground.

     "Delirious's work. He always aims at the left eye. They have to be around here somewhere!" Tyler says looking up at us. Brian points his machete past us towards a couple of zombies staggering towards us.

     "Another store a couple miles from here, they probably went there, but we gotta leave now!" Brain says. We start to run again. What if they aren't there? What if we just lost them? What if they're dead and I wouldn't even know it?!

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