Chapter 12 PercyPOV

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Hey y'all! I hope all of you are excited for this chapter. If you aren't, well... sorry.

If your looking for a good book to read and you're a fangirl/fanboy for Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, then I know the perfect book for you to read. You know, besides my own, but a super duper good book is Percy Jackson: Grandson of Voldemort by Poke_Master57              I'm like in love with this book and it's just really good but I'm not going to say anything else because I want you to go read it yourself. Because you should. Because the book is amaZHANG!!

I might not be able to update tomorrow since I'll be in a car all day and won't have internet. But I might be able to update if I have time when we get to the hotel. My fam is driving to Myrtle Beach tomorrow for Thanksgiving like we do every year and get together with family. If I don't get to update while I'm there, then I'll have to wait until I get back home to update.

Disclaimer- Uncle Rick and J.K. Rowling own all characters!

Alrighty, to the story!




So we bought all of the supplies we need. We found the right places thanks to the help of scar head and his friends. Then we went back to the place where our rooms are and when we came down, Thalia and I were in an argument. But you shouldn't expect anything else from us. Yes, we love each other but being the children of the big three, you have to know first off that we're going to fight and argue most of the time. Nico too, it's just Thalia and I have been through a lot together and we know each other very well. Don't get me wrong, I know Nico pretty well too. It's just he's so standoffish and he always threatens us that we'll be sorry after we die about messing with him so it's not fun to mess with him but when he threatens us, that makes it even more fun. You get what I'm saying?

We walked by a store and Harry and Ron ran up to the window out front and pressed their noses to the glass like they were little kids seeing Santa Claus. gods, what were they so excited about?

Thalia and I looked over their shoulders. Since we were taller then them, you know. What I saw in the window was none other then.... a broomstick! Wait, what? A broomstick? That's what they were so excited about? Just why? What was so special about a broomstick?

I leaned closer over Harry's shoulder.

"What's so exciting about a broomstick?" I whispered in his ear, and he looked back at me with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

"It's not just any broomstick. It's a flying broomstick! It's what we use to play Quidditch. You're going to try out right?"

"Well, I don't know. I don't really do that well up in the air. That's why I don't even fly in airplanes."

"Then how did you get over here?"

"Oh well, we have our ways." I said, smirking. Rainbow and his friends gave us a lift over. Except Nico shadow traveled, claiming it was much more efficient and safe. Whatever, we all know he was scared of the hippocampi.

"Oh ok. But I think you should try out. I'm seeker for Gryffindor."

"What's Gryffindor?"

"It's one of the houses at Hogwarts. There's four houses. Gryffindor for the brave and courageous. Ravenclaw for the smart and intelligent. Hufflepuff for the loyalty and trustworthy. And Slytherin for the cunning. Except Gryffindor's and Slytherin's loathe each other with tons of hatred."

"Oh wow. That's a lot hate."

"Yep. But look at this broomstick! It's a firebolt. I actually own one my self. My godfather bought it for me two years ago and it's still in excellent shape. They don't have any new models out yet, but I can't wait until they do."

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