Brendon does, and he closes the door after he's in and puts his seat belt on.

"Should I take you directly to your house, or drop you off so you can walk there?" Ryan asks him as he pulls out of the driveway.

"Just drop me off on the corner. I'll give you directions once we get there." Ryan nods at Brendon's answer and continues to drive to the main road.

What was he thinking, asking a complete stranger if he could live with him because he doesn't want to go home. Stupid. Stupid, Brendon.

His parents are going to be pissed when he gets home. They'll never let him see daylight again and Brendon doesn't doubt that they'll home school him now.

"What were you even doing in New York?" Brendon asks Ryan curiously, the thought just coming to his head.

If Ryan lives in Connecticut, why the hell was he in New York?

"I was meeting a friend." Ryan says simply, keeping his eyes on the road, just approaching the ramp to get onto the freeway.

Brendon hums to himself and looks away from Ryan, looking out the windshield as they pass a few cars. It's going to be a long drive, an Brendon doesn't even care. He'd rather drive hours upon hours instead of going home.


Ryan passes the bar that he was sitting in just yesterday and that's when Brendon tells him where to go.

"Right at the corner up here, and then straight until you get to the fifth stop sign. I'll get out there."

Ryan nods and follows the directions, pulling over where Brendon instructed.

"Any idea of how long you'll be?" Ryan asks, stopping Brendon who was already halfway out of the car. He turns around with a confused expression.

"What?" He asks, putting himself back in the seat.

"You said you could pick up a few things, then we could head back." Ryan says, as if Brendon should have known what was going on. It was his idea after all. "How long?"

"Wait. Are you serious?" Brendon almost laughs, but stops himself and smiles instead. Ryan nods like he isn't phased whatsoever. "Wow. Okay, wow. Um. I'm not sure if my parents are home or not. I'll just try and sneak in to grab some things and I'll meet you back here?"

"Kay. I'll be here." Brendon smiles widely at the stranger in the car and gets out, running down the street toward his - or his parents house.

The driveway is free of his parents cars, so he hurries to the side door and pulls his keys from his pocket.

Once the door his unlocked and opened, he rushes inside and to his bedroom, taking a suitcase from the closet and throwing it on his bed with the top open. Brendon wastes no time in filling up the suitcase with his clothes and a few other things, like his phone charger and his laptop. When he's sure he has everything he needs, he runs out of his room and into his parents room, opening up the lock box that they never keep locked and he takes his birth certificate and his social security card. You know, since they won't need it anymore. Brendon rushes out of the house and back down the street to Ryan's car. Ryan sees Brendon pops the trunk, allowing Brendon to put the suitcase in side, and Brendon slams the trunk closed and gets in the car.

"Were they home?" Ryan asks once Brendon is back in the car.

"No," Brendon says, out of breath. "but I wasn't gonna take my time, just in case. They're probably out looking for me."

"So then you have all your things? No need to come back?" Brendon shakes his head, trying to catch his breath as he buckles the seat belt.

Ryan nods once and heads back to his home in Connecticut.

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