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I didn't cheat. The entire break j didn't. I talked to t almost everyday even when she didn't want to. We FaceTimed often and I think I started to like her more. We talked about everything-from everyday dumb shit to super deep shit. We got on this topic about kids and for the first time it didnt really scare me.

"look at this baby!" Tina said now sending my a picture. A chubby light tanned baby with hazel eyes and curly brown hair appeared through my screen. One tooth was coming in and their smile was so big. I always loved little people-their innocence and big round faces. I couldnt help but smile at the picture. 

"Shes cute" I said staring at the picture. "I want a baby" she said out of the blue. I stopped to look up at my front facing camera. My eyes were wide.

"What?" I asked in disbelief

"Wow Ben chill not now! I have to be extremely-stable make atleast 80k by myself have a place to live a car-"

"What if the guy makes more than that?"


"What if the guy makes like over 200k and owns a bunch of businesses then you wouldn't have to work at all" I said kinda thinking about my dad...and the situation id be in after college. She shouldn't have to work.

"So fucking what." She said with nothing in her voice.

" wouldn't have to work"

"" she said seriously. She got situated sitting down on her bed. Her posters shinned through the background and the voices from the television filled the background.

"I don't care what he makes. I just told you what I needed to decide to bring a person into the world" she said confidently

"But if the guy your with has all of that"

"Good for him. But I have to be stable. Who knows what can happen down the road. Divorce? He could cheat.on top of that if its his money he controls everything!"

"Well if he's worth anything he wouldn't hold that over your head"

"It's more than money. Its my independence i need my own shit." She said scratching her now straight hair. I was amazed on how different she would look...and how long it was. Stopped right below her boob and flowed so fluid on her shoulders.

"So independent..." I teased a bit.

"That's what I will always be."

"It's why your so stubborn and don't take things from me"

"Look." She said laughing a bit. "I was taught to get my own things on my own time. Establish my own life and stability and I will do that. Can't rely on other people to do things for you. Besides. That's weak."

"So what happens when you do have a baby?"

She stared at me through the screen in her famous look. "I have a baby.."

"No but with work. You shouldn't work."

She was full blown laughing now and her hand slid down her face. "You can't be serious"

"Being a mother is a job within itself"

"Yea and its possible to have a career and raise kids. My mom did it. And it teaches your kids women can do anything and are more than capable." She retorted.

" I mean yea that's true but won't you get tired"

"My mother did but she did it and was amazing at it" she said waiting for me to say something else

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