Untitled Part 24

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A week Later..TINA POV

Honestly...I had no idea where I was. I felt like ive been hit by a bus and I had to pry my eyes open this morning. I felt like I was stuck in this tunnel for days and Ben came....but then he disappeared. Squinting my eyes trying to have them ajust to the light around me, I heard betty white making a joke on the golden girls and this constant beeping. When my eyes finally adjusted I stared at the squares dancing on the ceeling. I slowly turned my head to only be stopped by the band wrapped around my mouth. The plastic mask was overing my mouth and nose making me freak out a little. The beeping got faster and then it hit me, I was in the hospital. But why?

I lifted the mask off of me and took a deep breath of the sterile air. Coughing a bit I finally got reacquainted with my surroundings, making my head begin to ache.

Suddenly the door in the corner bursts open making my heart rate skyrocket. I nearly jumped out of the bed. The ivy pintched my skin a bit more from my sudden jerk and I winced in pain. Bens face had a mix of excitment but worry as he started yelling making my head spin. 

"GET A NURSE SHES AWAKE!" He screamed looking behind him. I shut my eyes trying to block out the noise. 

"no nono baby wake up keep your eyes open" He said seriously. His hand was on my forehead and i grabbed it.

"im awake you are too loud" I whispered gargily. My throat was burning terribly and It felt like I hadnt used my voice in days. 

"im sorry...im just.. im so happy your awake" he barely got out through his tears. I touched his cheek feeling warmth I havent felt. 

He placed his hand on top of mine as he stared back into my eyes. I felt safe with him here. His baby blues shining with so much joy and his dimples so deep, I didnt know why a guy as good looking as him is with me but I wouldnt question it. 

"do you know what happened?" he asked hesitantly. I moved my head no very carefully and he looked terrified. 

"do...do you..know who i am?" he asked even more petrified. 

"of course i do..your ben." i whispered trying to adjust my throat. He let out a huge breath and kissed my hand. "do you really not remember what got you here?" He asked with now nurses surrounding us. 

He was getting pushed away and the faces of uknown men and woman now bombarded my view. 

"ben dont leave!" i said loudly getting all of the forgien faces to stop.

"you remember him?" The older doctor asked through his blue face mask. "hes my husband..or my boyfriend..I dont remember but I know him" I admitted. I dont know why I couldnt remember which he was-I had imagined being married to Ben since college so maybe my imagination is clouding reality. 

"do you know your name?" The doctor quizzed me removing his mask. 

"tina. tina hayes" I said confidently. Why was he asking me this.

"where did you grow up honey?"

"washington dc."

"how many siblings do you have?"

"just one sister"

"wow. you are doing good...do you know why you are here?"

"no....I dont remember"

"thats okay sweetheart it might come back to you, it might not." He said motioning a nurse over. She was pretty, perfect brown skin and a really nice weave. "tori go get Benjamin let him know he can come back in" she fixed her glasses and hurried out of my sight. My IV was changed and the bandage on my forhead was removed.

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