you dont know me.

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The booming music around me filled my ears-as the white noise of peoples voices meshed together. The bar was full of students-mingling, drinking, eating.  stuffing the french fry in my mouth, my pocket vibrated pulling my attention. Moving from the middle of Jakes legs, I pulled the phone out of my pocket. It was a text from Ben. confused as hell i opened it 

-want to come over tonight?  it read. rolling my eyes i tried to find a nice way to say no but i couldnt. 

-no get another girl to bone you tonight.  was my response as i didnt give a shit what he thought. Almost immediately, another text from him came in.

-i dont want to have sex i just want to talk.

ew? what the hell I thought to myself. Jake as drunk as he was was now leaning into my neck and instead of pushing him away i let him rest there as i tried to think.

-about what. i asked him back.

-you? i dont really know you?

-you dont need to. what is there to know?

-i literally know nothing about you 

-thats how fuck buddys stay; as distant as possible

-but ive been deep inside you twice now

-and thats as close as you are getting to me

-thats pretty close i dont know why you are making this a big deal

-i dont have time to allow my mind to stretch to something that wont develop i cant do that to my brain

-we could be friends? but we cant with the way you are keeping me distant

-what part of fuck buddys dont you fucking understand?

-please? breakfast tomorrow?



-ill think about it.

I took a breath. What the fuck did he want to talk about and why was he so damn desperate right now. I keep him at a distance for a reason. I know Rachel is in love with him along with half of the entire school. why get involved with a guy that could never really have my heart, my mind and soul?

Hes a good fuck piece. But thats it-not someone I could ever develop something deeper with. 

The time was now 1:40 and the bar would be closing soon. Jake had his arm wrapped around my shoulders as he towered over my small frame. Jake was a good friend of mine and he always got plastered. Attempting to walk in a straight line all of his weight was put on me making me stumble a bit. Jason ran to help me hold his large figure up as we were trying to talk to a very incoherent giant. 

Laughing at the jibberish falling out of jakes mouth, I hear my name being called from behind.

Turning around its Beck-one of my friends in class...with.....with Ben? "Tina whats up!" she says cheerfully running to me barefoot. Her chunky heels were clutched tightly to her side as she wore a big sweatshirt that came above her knees.

Ben was hot on her trail but seemed to slow down once he saw me. "where did you go tonight?" she asked excitingly. "the bar of course." I answered unamused.

Jake goes to kiss my ear as he always does when hes drunk. Swatting him away something in Bens eyes changed. I couldnt put my finger on what it was but his demeanor seemed to change. 

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