everyone is watching

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Things went back to normal once Ben left, and I could honestly say I missed him. The apartment seemed so lonely without him and i had been feeling really dizzy every morning before work. I didnt know if it was because of my vivd dreaming or maybe me trying to work my body back to its strenuous routine. Sipping on the lemonade I had broughT back from lunch my cell rang.

I stared at the sleeping blonde giant for a second. His mouth was wide open and I laughed at the memory of taking this picture.

"hiiiiiii" i dragged sipping on my drink. The papers laid out in front of me. New proposals for grants, new workers, new volunteers, changes in programs and I honestly didnt want to tackle any of them at the moment. 

"hows work babe?" Ben asked from the other line. I took a deep breath as the pile of papers seemed to haunt me even more. 

"well..now that you mention it...I have a pile of work to do and im mentoring tomorrow morning so I should probably get to it" I said defeated. Sucking on the air through the straw, the empty plastic sound rang through the phone.

"did you just get back from lunch?"

"yea, I ate en entire sandwich in 4 minutes and had my lemonade to go!" I said tossing the clear cup in the trash below my desk.

"sweetheart im sorry...i know you can get the work done in no time"

"thanks. I cant believe Im saying this but I miss you" i admitted opening the first folder of paper. The line was quiet for a second and I thought maybe we got disconnected. 

"wow pumpkin..I...I miss you too" He said with a smile coming through his voice. I never really admitted my feelings. Ive known Ben and trusted him with parts of myself I wouldn't trust anyone with but when it came to feelings and intimacy, i could show it physically but never really vocalize it. I was slowly  letting my guard down but the cage has been up for so long its hard to dismantle. 

I laughed causing him to chuckle too. As I shuffled around some papers he broke the silence. 

"So how do you feel about meeting my parents...officially..with annoying siblings as well?" he asked nervously. 

"well i mean i love your dad-Art is the best, pretty sure your sister wont like me, your brothers  wife Anna sounds like a nightmare and well...we know your mom hates me literally because im black" i said not holding back.

"but i want to maybe try again?"

"ben...i really dont know"

"please pumpkin? ill fly you in it will be an excuse to be with me here!"

"ive already missed bascially full month of work! People are so incompetent around here I can't leave again!"

"For the weekend? I'll fly u back immediately"

"Ben no! I'll book my own ticket"

"Tina catching a commercial flight takes 3 times as long I'll put u on my plane"

"But be-"

"Tina. No. " He warned.
I sat back in my seat and hung my head over the back. He never let me do anything. But I knew he was right unfortunately so I just took a deep breath.


"Good I'll send a car to your house Friday night"

"Wow so I can't even drive their myself?"


"FINE BENNN" I said defeated.

"Good girl. I'll talk to you later"

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