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1. Hair Color

Dark brown

2. Eye Color

Dark brown

3. Favorite Book


4. Favorite Color


5. Last Song Heard

I don't know

6. OTP

They're all weird and lesbian and gay so..

Garrance and Katemau

7. Favorite Animal

Dog and cat cause I grew up with them

8. Favorite Smell

Car gas

9. Favorite Song

The Civil Wars(Safe&Sound) The Hunger Games - T

10. Job/What You Want To Do When You Grow Up

A writer, veterinarian, or a cat.

11. Favorite Game

Minecraft duh and gang busters

12. Wwyd with a million dollars

Run around shoving it in people's faces

13. Crush

It's none of your business

14. Anime/TV Crush

Gray Fullbuster from fairy tail

15. Favorite Food

Nutella, chez FOOD

16. What You Got For Valentine's day this year

Idek, valentines day is for kids. Its Christmas.

17. Whoever you think you could win in a battle easily

Anyone in my grade, because my dad taught me wrestling for 2 years, I beat him so..

18. Best friend

My best friends? Sarah, Harriet, Jenna, holy crap all my wattpad friends.

19. Are you ZE bus driver

Idk, maybe

20. Tag 5 people



And one more!


Tanks! Boi!

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