V 3 ; S E V E N T E E N

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Dear MinGyu,

So, I woke up today with a text from Luna telling me to ask you about whether you're an otaku or not. This would be the first time I have a conversation not related to school with you, but obviously, I chickened out after I saw you at school.

However, when I saw your contact among my KKT contacts, I felt an urge to message you, and I did it!

Honestly speaking, if I hadn't known you watch anime, I would've never messaged you about anything-non-school-related, but I think that knowing the fact that you watch anime just made you seem a bit more cool to me.

And here's what happened:

[a/n:chat has been removed]

I didn't send anything anymore, I want to wait for you to text me again, maybe when you start Tokyo Ghoul or maybe you'll ask me about whether I started DeathNote or not.

But, these are just my hopes.

Jin Eun.

To: MinGyu •| Seventeen FanFiction |•Where stories live. Discover now