"What's wrong with Tentacool, May? I think they're really cute!" Misty exclaimed.

"Don't you love Tentacool because it's a Water-type Pokemon, Misty?" Iris asked.

Misty giggled. "That's true. I love all kinds of Water-type Pokemon! Even if they're also a part Bug-type like Surskit."

"But what's this recording about Tentacool? Was it really embarrassing for May or something like that?" I asked.

Dawn grinned. "Oh, it was about when innocent, little May was surrounded by a bunch of Tentacool at the beach and then her mom tried to ca—"

"DAWN! DON'T MAKE ME TELL KENNY!" May shouted and threatened Dawn.

"Wah! I'm sorry, May! I'll keep my mouth shut! Just don't tell him!" Dawn begged.

Wow. I know that May gets really upset about food, but I never seen her acting this scary before. I guess it's wise that I don't mess around with her personal stories.

May cleared her throat. "Anyways, I was more surprised that Brendan was the club president of the coordinator club."

"You mean the dude with white hair?" Iris asked.

"Well, that's actually his weird-looking white knit cap he wears to cover this scar on his head," May explained. "But I really didn't know that Brendan was interested in Pokemon Contests."

"That's kind of the same with me and Kenny," Dawn said, recovering from her earlier shock. "Even though we grew up together, I didn't know he was into Pokemon Contests as well."

"Although Brendan started out as a Pokemon Coordinator a few weeks ago, I was absolutely shocked on how well he showed off his Milotic's beauty in front of us. No wonder he became the club president," May said in awe.

"That reminds me. Serena, you and Shauna are having the performer club meeting today, correct?" Misty inquired.

"Yes, we are," I replied. "And I'm pretty excited since Madame mentioned that it will be a much more exhilarating experience."

"Definitely! May and I had fun in the coordinator club than the classroom. Especially when we practice along with other people!" Dawn exclaimed.

"Well, now I'm looking forward to everything the performer club has to offer me," I giggled.

When we arrive at the school gate, Misty and Iris headed to their homeroom and May and Dawn stayed behind with me.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Serena, how did it go yesterday?" Dawn asked.

"Did what go yesterday?" I questioned.

"Have you forgotten already? Did you tell Ash that you were the girl from summer camp? And not to mention, did you get a chance to tell him your feelings?" Dawn blurted out.

"Wait, what?!" Misty shouted.

Oh no. Misty and Iris were standing right behind us. But I thought they went to homeroom already.

"Um... Dawn? I thought we weren't supposed to say anything about Serena's crush on Ash, especially when we're out in the open like this," May sweat dropped.

Dawn realized what she said and covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh shoot! I didn't know they were there! I'm sorry, Serena!"

I felt my heart stopped when I heard what May and Dawn had unintentionally revealed to them.

No need to worry, Serena! May and I won't tell anyone.

It's only been two days and the Meowth is already out of the bag. But I guess it wasn't on purpose since Misty and Iris were here for some reason. I wonder what they are going to say now.

Pokemon Academy: Bonds of Love (Amourshipping)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora