of course he was sitting in the living room watching tv. "what are you doing? we gotta go so we can check in on time," i said, circling the sofa to stand in front of him. "i...i dont wanna go," he muttered. "i dont care. you are coming and we are gonna spend time together in a place that isn't your house so come on. you have to meet my friends," i held out a hand. he sighed before taking it. i pulled him up and pecked his lips. "you will be just fine. if anything, they will treat you nice cause you paid for all of this," i grinned. he just mumbled to himself as i pulled him out the house, turning off the lights and flipping off the tv.

they all looked at him for a long while. his grip on my hand tightened. "friends and lovers of friends, this is my boyfriend, nea. this is house and he is the sponsor of our festivities," i explained. "hes....hes so old! how old is he? like 60?" said chalker. "well he is probably the best looking 60 year old ive ever seen. my dad is 60 and he dont look near as good," said edgar. "you guys should be nicer to him. he is really nice for letting us do this so we should show some respect," argued emilia. i sighed. i looked at nea. he....he didnt look very comfortable. "well we may as well get it all out right now so it wont come up again. nea is a billionaire. he owns about 15 different companies that are all multi billions. always had money, always will have money. nea is 20 years older than i am. he isn't my sugar daddy nor am i dating him for his money. apparently i just have a thing for older guys. i dont know. for obvious reasons, he isn't very comfortable about this and ill be damned if you make it any worse by being dickheads so this will be the last time this subject will ever come up again, ok?" i felt like a dad scolding children but they need this. "well damn, ian! you didnt have to yell at us like that," grunted emilia. "well when you start judging people for how old they are i cant stand not to be a little heated. now...i dont want things to be awkward between us because of this. i just want to get it out the way so we can move on with our outing," i said. i looked over at nea. just staring at my head with a dark blush. "well things are awkward now, ian. thank you for making this weird. everyone...." announced emilia. we all looked at her. "...nea is old enough to be all of our dads. that wont change no matter how often we try to look over it. now enough about how old ian's boyfriend is. lets get this party started!" she chimed. everyone busted out laughing. "im sorry man. its just something that sticks out. it was a reflex. nothing malicious about it, ok?" said chalker to nea. he nodded. i let out a deep breath. "now to the truck so we can head out," i pulled the keys out my pocket and clicked it, making the hummer beep. mood was lightened up instantly as soon as they saw the car. we all piled inside.

it didnt take long to get to the hotel. it was nice. nea really out did himself. "i thought it would be more women," whispered emilia as we walked to inside. "chalker doesnt have a girlfriend, edgar's has a baby to take care of, and im very much gay. dont expect a lot of girl talk but we can still have fun," i said. she shrugged. we didnt expect edgar not to have his girlfriend so we got a room for each couple and chalker. since edgar and chalker are solo, they can share a room. not so much to save money but so neither of them would be lonely. nea handed them their key cars. he took ours with a solemn expression. i had to fight him tooth and nail not to put us in the executive suite. we have a regular room just like the others. we all headed to our respective rooms to get settled. it had a single king sized bed with a regular sized bathroom and everything. completely normal. "awe dont be like that, nea. just because this doesnt have a whirlpool bath dont mean its not a good room," i said as we put up our stuff. we are gonna be here for three days so we put the stuff in the drawers. "its...its not the room," he grunted, sitting on the bed. i sat next to him. "come on, tell me whats wrong," i said, taking his hand in mines and squeezing it. "ive never had a reason to go out the house cause it has everything i need in it. hardly anyone to talk to or anything like that. its....its new and i cant say im really comfortable with all of this," he said. "well you will never get comfortable with it if you dont get out. i did a whole lot of searching so that this whole trip will be full of stuff to do. we have three parties tonight, the park all day tomorrow, more parties. we are gonna be out of this room more often than not. the main reason i made sure we got a cheap room is so that you wouldn't feel tempted to spend the entire time in the room. with this bland room, you will actually want to go out and enjoy all the activities instead of trying to be antisocial. this is for us and for you. this room will only have three purposes...." he looked at me,"....sleep, shower, and...." i grinned, rubbing his leg. a dark blush came over his cheeks. "ok?" i said. he sighed. "yeah," he muttered.

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