Chapter 6: The Call

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"So I don't know how great at this I can be." his voice wavered tickling her ear. She smiled because she could hear his well meaning affections.

"Just try. I'm a brilliant teacher though." Tiara snacked on some chips while the sensation of Williams fingers in her hair brought soothing sensation down her spine. His fingers twisted her hair in a few simple strands. She tilted her head as he braided as tightly as he could, though that wasn't very tight as he finished he threw up his hands.

"Voila'!" Tiara pulled up her hand held mirror to inspect Williams handy work. The cornrow was sloppy and the part wasn't strait but, "Its not bad but I'm a great teacher so." He clicked his lips at her remark and laughed a little. "How do you know to cornrow?"

"My mom taught me when I was a little girl." He suddenly spoke stopping a thought from Tiaras mind as her smile fell.

"So..have you been studying?" She looked up and stood reclaiming her power with her pearly whites as she stared at herself in the mirror. The t.v. reflected against it distracting her for just a moment as she bit down into the pink, pillowy velvet of her mouth.

"Mhm. Thinking that I'm gonna ask Mr. K if I can take the midterms over tomorrow."

"He will let you too. " He said standing so he could grab a plate from the table and sit next to her and watch her rub her cheek tenderly, before playing with her hair as she noticed him watching. Her cheeks quite pink.

"No way he's usually super strict with me." She picked the braid out working her fingers through her soft curly hair. Her shoulders were inflamed from spending so much time during work playing in her hair.

"That's because he can't see you. Unlike most the women in our class your tits aren't always in his face. Show up looking cute, wear a pretty dress. He's a man, distract him a little. He's a boob guy and you don't have any problems with filling out a dress. "

"Stop it, you'll making me blush." She said playfully as she crawled onto the bed to hold her Elmo doll. "I don't have any freak-him dresses."

"Then lets go shopping."

"I don't really have that kinda cash right now besides its 9:30 what shops are open right now?"

"You don't know who I am!"

It was a pitch black night as they drove through the city.

"So they are just going to open the store for you at ten o' clock at night." She shook her head in disbelief and fidgeting with her bonnet a gesture William smiled at. No matter how serious she was she always managed to look like an innocent girl. No, she was kind of innocent in nature he decided. The nature of her soul was pure and innocent.

"My lady let me treat you to a night you will not soon forget." His voice echoed through her mind as goose bumps bit at her like bits of glass caught against her skin. She observed his face and the deep wrinkles that formed because his smile reached all the way to his eyes.

Tiara shook her head in disbelief.

"Well you have me outside in a bonnet and some silky pajamas so I better have the time of my life." Her lip pouted a bit but landed on a grin.

The drive was short William was excited to brag but she didn't know that as they got out of the car and walked into the tall building.

The outside had a large orange neon sign that reflected against the concrete. REDx. It was a sexy store full of high end clothing . The doors opened suddenly a tall woman with brown eyes and long black hair extended her arm toward the inside of her shop.

"Welcome. Come in."

Tiara sneezed breaking the romance and awe and mystic with a silly sound.

"Tiara, just ruin the reveal why don't cha." The lights, the grime. It was a dark and sexy interior full of tanned mannequins in seductive clothing. The lights illuminated the lounge which William elected to lay upon like as if he were at home on his own bed.

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