Luke's Stupidity

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A few weeks had passed by before Tiara knew it. She saw less and less of William. She hadn't enjoyed Norms's in about a month but she really needed his help. The thought entered her mind, what if this one is the last one. It felt like it could be the last one. They had barely studied together meeting at the restaurant or in the garden maybe once in the last month and a half.

Every time she called or texted Amina found some way to need help. Their time was limited but they were almost strangers now. Tiara sat on her bed looking about her study packet in her lap. Her elmo slippers kept her feet warm as she moved around the bed kicking her phone occasionally.

Her phone was right there..she could just ask.

What was the harm right. I mean the worst was already present.

Hey best friend imu and I also really need some help with this math packet...3am Norm's?

She did not have to wait long before she saw him typing away.

How about midnight?

Perrrrfect <3

She stirred her raspberry lemonade focusing on the ice clashing against each other. It was six p.m. The restaurant was pretty full. It was different from the quiet and serene three am trips they usually made.

He was smiling at her from across the table and her breath seemed stuck.

They did not speak they just smiled taking in the atmosphere of silence.

"Sorry I was late." She shook her head at him.

"I hear you and Luke are planning a thing?

"It's a surprise. He hasn't told me a thing and I'm horrified. I hate gifts."

"You always liked mine.

"Of course, I misspoke. I don't like surprises. And you are the only man I know to do surprises right." She chuckled and the air thinned coming back to usual. Well maybe a new normal.

"You know, when you have a surprise it has to be relevant."

He nodded smugly which pulled a grin from her.

"In any case I'll be gone through the weekend, we won't be back until Sunday night or Monday morning so he says."

"Well I know you will have a wonderful time."

"Thanks, so how are things with Amina? I feel like I haven't seen you."

"I know I am sorry about that things have been a bit hectic since she moved in. She brings a lot of her things on the weekends when she isn't working with her mother. It's. .disorientating."

"Being in a relationship can be hard when you have to share."

It was more than that. He wanted to tell her he was unsure of how he was going to make things work with Amina.

He looked away from his coffee and looked at Tiara's soft hands clutching the mason jar tightly. She smoothed her thumb against the glass trying to soothe herself but it put him on edge.

He wanted to push her fears and anxieties away not that she was wrong...he was sure he was the source of the stresses she suffered from now. Having had her one friend abandon her, did she still see him as her friend? Or did she feel coddled by his presence. Could she feel his self loathing the fact that everyday he felt more and more guilty for loving her?

His mind swirled with questions his hands became sweaty and he looked more visibly nervous.

"Yeah." He wondered was this the last time? Could it be?

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