chapter 11 Intense Expectations

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Amina paced in her taupe room stroking her necklace as she moved. He said he wanted to start over. She started to clean the floor which was littered with clothes. She couldn't decide what to wear so she tried wearing everything to see what she looked best in. She looked around her room.

Had it been so many years since she moved into this house with her mother? Since she decorated her room with photos of William and her and their summers in Paris and Tiajuana?

It started out great. She had to remind him. The walls of her room were littered with her favorite influences, Oprah and Keanu Reeves. She always thought she was too old to still have posters on her walls so of course Wiliam encouraged her to do it anyways. It hung up on her wall ever since.

Her hand lingered on the laminated paper the weight in her hand so light it floated from the wall with ease.

It drifted in the air and landed on the bed. She was sure she knew what she needed.

With her giant Luis V bag packed once again she headed downstairs.

Quietly she moved careful not to drag her bag of clothes and her favorite silky pillow across the waxy hardwood floors. As she traveled down the grand staircase it creaked threatening her ambition.

As she passed through she felt relief she had made it to the front door walking past the hallway to the kitchen where she could still hear her mother or maid going through cabinets.

Exhaling her fears she stared at her front door waiting for noise loud enough to grant her a soundless exit.

"Where are you going dressed like that baby?" Her mother's voice made the hair on the back of her neck stand tall.

She dropped her bag sending a heavy alarm through the air. She smiled as she turned to face her mom.

"Didn't want to wake you," She paused and reached out to her mother, "I have news, William and I just got off the phone we will be moving in together and living as fiance's."

"Really, how sudden?" Her mother put a thicker jacket on her covering her silky red teddy. Had she known what she was about to do?

"Is it really? He meant what he said mom. He wants to start over with me."

"You trust him too much. Are you sure you want to throw yourself to his—"

He won't hurt me mom—not again."

"Are you sure you want to give him the chance?"

"There are other suiters. Let me find you someone else, there is still time."

"No. I -I love him. I want to give him this last chance. If he fails me—."

"I will make him pay for humiliating us a second time. I will not be merciful. I will never forgive him and neither will you. In fact you may never forgive yourself."

As the elevator delivered Amina to her beloved she breathed deeply. Deeper than she ever felt she has before. Along with her desperation for the peace his presence brought to her mind, she desired her power back.

She was going to be Mrs. Winters and her mother was right she could not be disgraced yet again. As her key slid into the door she vowed to get her lover back. This time he would not send her away from his bed.

William belonged to her and in their life together there would be no room for freeloaders.

Will opened his eyes lids grinding apart rustily as the light caused him a great amount of pain. He twisted before he felt himself be held by warmth, soft and vanilla scented.

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