chapter 11 Intense Expectations

Start from the beginning

"Hello Baby." her voice floated through the air and struck him as he finally realized.

"Amina! Oh god," he sat up strait in the air frantically searching. The creme blanket fell free as he hopped up.

"Ah-ah, " She caught his arm, "you are not going anywhere, when a woman shows up in your bed in cute under wear you get to work."

Before he could collect him self he was on his back Amina straddling his thighs. "I have spent a very long time punishing you. But I think I'm finally ready to forgive you." Her smooth skin meshing against his still lips with out rhythm without chase her mind began growing doubts. She opened her eyes her mind full of pressing thoughts.

"Amina, I'm not dressed. What—How did you get in?"

"What kind of question is that? You told me you wanted to start over so I brought my stuff and--"

"Yeah I said it was fine but I didn't mean right this instant. Tiara's going to be coming home soon! I don't want to--"

"So what?! Why do you care so much about what she... " She paused and William watched her anger grow from her chest toes it in her eyes. "Are you sleeping together in our bed?!" His ears rang and popped as her chest rose and fell with force.

"Don't yell, please. And no. I'm usually on the couch bed, she's not home yet. " He rubbed his throbbing skull seized with anxiety. He would hate for tiara to come home to this. Didn't want Amina to be angry with him either.

Aminas eyes blazed with pain, William buried his head in his hand focusing his lips to whisper a truthful lie.

No matter what he felt for Tiara he had to be the man his father needed him to be. It's what's best for everyone besides Tiara would want him to be true to his word, he thought.

"I'm sorry. I'm just—I'm not feeling well today. Tiara is my closest friend and I can't have you two fighting, okay." He stood up and spoke with his hands trying to reach her so she could really understand him.

"You have already won. I said I was committed to you and your mother and your family. I forced Dakota to have that abortion so you would be happy—so we could move on with our lives and I did it for you besides my better judgment. I won't go back on my word. I have done everything you have asked of me. Things I'll never forgive myself for. All I ask of you is that you be nice." He sounded a bit bitter and angry despite trying to sound genuine.

She scoffed at his feelings.

"You cheated on me! You did this. I didn't want any of this!" Her tone flared.

"Can you just not fight me on this. If I'm going to be your husband you need to learn to speak to me normally. I hate yelling, I can't, yell." He turned from her, hand resting on his head. Holding his temper and grabbing her jacket and bag off of his bed he sulked.

" I'm sorry. Your world is adjusting and changing and I don't want to be added chaos. "

"I can see that what you needed from me is closeness I can give you that okay, just relax a little for me, would ya?" She sighed and covered up.

"I've gotta go. Tiara is going to need a few things in her new apartment."

"Ahhh really?" She smiled and deep dimples revealed themselves. William was happy to make her happy. "Thank you baby!" She squeezed him and kissed his cheeks. She didn't lie to her mother now.

It took him sometime but he gathered most of Tiaras things and had them moved into her new hotel room. One intended for guests. She would love it but she needed to feel at home so he clutched his gift in his hands hopefully she would not be too upset.

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