
Erika rolled her eyes, "Come on, let's get you two home."



I'd always liked to run. Sometimes, if I tried hard enough, I could almost believe I could run away from all of my problems. From my life. From my dad.

He sat on the couch now, drinking and watching some R rated movie. I was doing my homework in the kitchen, or at least trying to.

"Victor," he called my name, "Bring me another beer!"

I sighed and hopped off my stool, making my way to the fridge. I knew from going over to some friends' houses that this is not how a father is supposed to treat his ten year old son. But it's what I have to put up with.

I grabbed one of the cans from the fridge and walked over to my father, holding out my arm. He took the beer from me without a word, cracking it open and keeping his eyes glued to the television screen.

Rolling my eyes, I returned to the kitchen and tried to focus on my multiplication chart some more.

I was interrupted by some loud banging coming from the front door. My eyes widened a bit when the person started shouting.

"Open up Caleb! We know your in there!" I heard my father curse under his breath and I had the common sense to slide out of my seat and take refuge behind the kitchen island, "We want our money back!"

"Alright, alright!" my dad yelled back, "You don't need to break my goddamned door down!"

I didn't know what my father had gotten himself into this time, but I knew he definitely didn't have the money to pay these men back.

"Look, fellas," my dad said as he opened the door. The men pushed past him and into the house, not waiting for an invitation. I made my way to the back door in case something bad was about to happen, "I'll have the money next week."

One of the guys, a very large and intimidating man scowled, "That's what you said last week, Greyson. The boss wants his money now."

I saw something shiny then, and my hand immediately found the doorknob. I wasn't going to stick around for this. Once they started shouting at each other, I took the opportunity to slip out unnoticed.

The cool air of autumn bit at my skin as I stepped into the backyard. I hadn't grabbed a coat, and now I was beginning to wonder how long I'd have to stay out here. I stepped away from the house and turned back to stare at the back door with my arms wrapped around me. I could still hear the shouting inside.

My heartbeat sped up as I heard the sounds of crashing inside. They were throwing things now. Smashing glass and throwing anything they could get their hands on. I backed away even further from the house, and when the sound of a gun went off, I ran.

I didn't know where I was going, all I knew was that it was away from there.

I ran and kept running, pushing myself to go faster. I sprinted down sidewalks, but all I wanted to do was run until I couldn't run anymore. I pushed myself faster, and faster, and before long, I noticed something weird happening.

It was almost as if the world was slowing down. Cars were moving slower and people were looked like they were trying to move through a vat of molasses.

I slowed a bit and watched them. It was kind of creepy, if I was being honest. The world was moving in slow motion. Then, when I stopped running to watch the sluggish second hand on a clock through a window, the weirdest thing happened. Almost as if on queue, everything started to speed up again.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Did I cause that? Or was it something else?

I'd heard of people in New York that could do unnatural things. Was I like them? Like those superheroes? Did I have some sort of ability to slow down time? To run through it? I wasn't even sure if I was the one that did that!

Rubbing my bare arms, I decided to figure it out later, when I was somewhere warm. Right now, I was way too freaked out and freezing to think straight. With that, I walked back down the street, a lone kid with no real destination.





Hey! Megan here with another bonus chapter! Forgot I wrote this and just discovered it again, so enjoy! Thanks for reading this book!

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