Chapter 13

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Haddie looked at Justin. She couldn't tell what he was thinking. He was shocked to see her. He didn't expect her to see her. He bent down and took the little girl in his arms. Pulling her closer to her chest telling her that everything's gonna be alright.

"Daddy?" she whispered. "Yes. It's me baby girl." he softly said kissing her head. She held Justin even tighter. Afraid that he would let go of her. Justin stood up with Alexandra still in his arms. "Let's go home." Haddie said. Justin nodded and they started walking.

When they arrived at Justin's house, they could finally see in what condition Alexandra was in since it was dark outside. She was bruised. They obviously didn't treat her right.

Justin sat her on the counter in the bathroom and cleaned her up while Haddie was making her room ready. "Who did this to you?" Justin asked Alexandra softly.

Alexandra didn't answer. She just looked down with tears ready to fall. Justin sighed. He hated to see her like this. She was hurt and scared. Justin felt like killing the people who did this to her. How could you possibly do such a thing to a little girl. Justin couldn't understand it. He probably never will. "Is it the same person who did this to you last time?" he asked her. She nodded her head. "I promise they won't hurt you again. Okay? Don't be scared. You're safe now." Justin told her. Alexandra nodded her head once again.

Justin finished cleaning her up while Haddie made her something to eat. The little girl was probably starving. "C'mon. It's time for you to go to bed." Justin said, standing up. Alexandra looked at Haddie with pleading eyes. "Are you gonna come too?" she asked her. "Of course sweetie." she smiled. They walked up the stairs. Justin was carrying Alexandra. Justin put her in bed and kissed her head. "Goodnight princess." he smiled down at her. "Goodnight daddy." "Goodnight Lexi." Haddie said, putting the cover over her. "Goodnight mommy." Alexandra smiled.

Haddie was shocked at first, but then she smiled. Justin and Haddie walked out the room. Justin turned the light off on his way out and closed the door behind him. "I should go home. My parents are probably wondering where I am." Haddie told her boyfriend. "I don't want you to go." he pouted. Haddie giggled at how cute he was. "I would take you home, but I can't leave her alone." "I understand. I'll be fine." she assured him. "I rather want you to stay." "I can't. I have school tomorrow."

Justin always forgot that his girlfriend was in her last year in high school. But he didn't really care about that, because he loved her. She made him happy. She gave him that special feeling. A feeling that he loved.

Haddie didn't really understand it. She went to the same school as Justin, but she never really saw him around. Probably because she rather wanted to not be seen than to grab everyone's attention. Justin seemed like he was that popular kid at school who every girl had a crush on. She probably saw him a few times, but never paid attention to him. Simply because she didn't care.

"Fine. But I will be giving you a ride to school and you're staying over in the weekend." Justin told her. "Okay." Justin leaned in and kissed her. He loved the feeling of her lips on his. He loved kissing her. He loved that twinkle in her eyes. He loved how he could make her blush which made her so cute. He loved her smile. Her giggle was so cute. Every time he looked into her eyes, he fell in love with her all over again. "I love you" he whispered as he looked into her eyes. "I love you too." she smiled and kissed him again.


Thank you all for the comments. It really means a lot to me. This chapter isn't written how I always write. But I hope you still liked this chapter though. Can you tell me if this style is better or not?

Alexandra is finally back! But if you think the drama is over yet, then you're wrong. There are gonna happen some things but I won't tell you when or what.

Please let me know what you think. It would really mean the world to me.
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My little angel
By Bieberworld_x

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