Chapter 19

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Justin told Haddie what his mother had told him. He still couldn’t believe that his mother could do that to him, but he also understood why she did it. She wanted to give her baby a better life. A life she wasn’t able to give. She wanted the best for her son. Giving him away was the hardest decision she had ever made. It broke her heart knowing someone else was going to raise her baby boy. So she did whatever she could to get him back. She got him back, but she will never forgive herself for giving up on her own son.

Justin was going to meet that guy who could help him to find Alexandra again. He didn’t know what to expect from him, but they hoped he would help him. He was getting Alexandra back no matter what he had to do. He was going to find her again.

“Justin Bieber right?” the man asked. He looked like he was 50 years old. He was wearing a brown jacket with a simply shirt and jeans. He looked normal and not like those guys you see in movies. Justin nodded his head. “Yeah, nice to meet you.” he said and shook his hand. “What can I do for you?” he asked. “I need you to find this girl.” Justin gave him a picture of Alexandra. “Her name is Alexandra. She’s about three years old and lives in a foster home. I want you to find out which one.” he explained. “I’ll try my best. What about the money?” the man asked. He wasn’t going to do it for nothing. Justin took out his wallet and give him a sum of money. “You will get the rest if you give me the information I want.” “I call you in two weeks.” The man got up and left. Justin was counting on him. It was his only hope.

“I hate homework.” Haddie groaned as she fell on Hannah’s bed. They had to do another project together and were at Hannah’s house. “Tell me about it. I don’t even understand why we have to do projects. It’s so boring.” Hannah complained. Haddie nodded her head, agreeing with her best friend. Hannah looked at her. “So movie?” she suggested. “You know me too well.” Duh! You’re my best friend.” Hannah said and turned on the tv in her room.

Justin was at his mom’s house. You’re probably wondering what happened to this his dad. Well his dad left when he found out Justin’s mom was pregnant. He thought he couldn’t handle being a father at such a young age. So he thought what was best and left. Justin’s dad knows he has a son somewhere, but he doesn’t know where. He still regrets running away like that. He shouldn’t have done it and he realized that now. But he can’t do anything about it.

Justin doesn’t know a lot about his dad. He only knows he got his eyes. His mom didn’t like to talk about his dad. It hurt her a lot when he left her. He didn’t even say goodbye. Justin’s dad is now married and his two children. A boy and a girl who are 16 and 14 years old. His wife doesn’t know he has a son and his children aren’t aware that they have a big brother somewhere.

What would happen if his father went looking for his son? What if he actually found him? What would happen? Would Justin forgive him for running away like that? Or would he just pretend it had never happened? Justin doesn’t think a lot about his dad anymore. When he was younger he would ask his mom where he was, but now not anymore. Is he mad for leaving? Honestly, yes. He was mad, but he also wanted to know the real reason why he left and why he didn’t look for his son.

“Would dad have done the same for me that I’m now doing for Alexandra?” Justin asked his mom as he looked at her. “I don’t know Justin.” she sighed. “He might have. I don’t know. Why are you asking me that all of sudden? You haven’t asked about him for years. Why now?” “I was just wondering. I’m wondering if he ever thinks about me and how I’m doing.” Justin told her. “I really can’t tell you that. I don’t even know where he is right now. No one I know has heard from him since the day he left town.” his mom said. “So what did he say?” “He would look for her and he told me he’s going to call me in two weeks. I really hope he finds her. He’s my only hope.” “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure he will.” His mom smiled at him. “Thanks mom. For always being so supportive.” “That’s what mothers do, Justin. No need to thank me for that.” she laughed. “You’re still the best mom in the world.”

“I’m staying at Justin’s house tonight.” Haddie told her mom who was making dinner. She looked at her. “So you aren’t eating dinner with us?” she asked her. “No, he’s making dinner for me.” “He can cook?” her mom asked surprised. “Yeah, he can and he’s very good. His food is so good.” “Better than mine?” “No one can make better food than you, mom.” Haddie complimented. “You really love him, don’t you?” “Yeah, I really do. He’s just amazing.” “I can tell. You can’t shut up about him.” Her mom told her and went back to cutting the vegetables. “Oh that’s not true!” Haddie denied. Her mom gave her a look. “Okay, maybe that is true. But don’t tell me you weren’t like this when you were my age.” Her mom just laughed at her daughter. “True. But I can see he really makes you happy. You should invite him for dinner again. I like him.” Haddie smiled. “I will.”

Someone honked the car outside. “That should be him. See you tomorrow.” Haddie said and gave her mom a kiss on the cheek before leaving the house. She opened the door and got in. “Hey.” she said and kissed him. “Hi babe.” He smiled at her. “How was your day?” he asked her. “Good actually. Watched a movie instead of doing my project.” she told him. “You won’t graduate if you don’t do your homework.” “I can’t believe I’m graduating this year. It’s like I just started high school and next year I’m going to college. Why do we grow up so fast? It’s not fair.” she pouted. Justin chuckled. “I know. Sometimes I wish I could still be a little kid, because then you don’t have to worry about things and you don’t have the problems an adult have. They just have worry free life.” Justin said. “True.” Haddie nodded.

Justin stopped the car and they got out. He turned on the light when they walked in. “So have you eaten yet?” he asked his girlfriend. “Nope.” Haddie said, shaking her head. “I was hoping for that answer, because I made us dinner.” He told her. They went to the kitchen and ate dinner. During dinner they talked about that guy Justin met up with earlier that day. Haddie asked if he wanted to come for dinner at her house next week and she told him her mom likes her.

After dinner they wanted to watch a movie. “So what movie?” Justin asked as he looked at Haddie. “Uhm. A romantic one or a comedy.” she replied. “I was thinking about a horror movie.” Justin smirked. “No! I hate those movies.” she argued. “Please.” Justin pouted. Haddie looked away, because she knew she couldn’t resist that face. “Babe? Please?” She looked at him and gave in. “Fine.” she sighed. Justin smiled. “Thanks babe. Next time we’ll watch the movie you pick. Okay?” “Whatever.” Haddie was so tired that she fell asleep during the movie in Justin’s arms.


Please let me know what you think. I'm sorry that you guys had to wait so long for this chapter, but I'm busy with school and other stuff. But I tried to make this chapter longer. 1 331 words. Not that bad huh? 

So please vote. At least 15 votes for the next chapter?

Also! I published a new story called "When Two Worlds Collide". It's also a Justin Bieber fan fiction. Justin is famous in it and I can promise you that story is much better than this one. The writing is better. The story line is better. So please go check it out and vote? 


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My little angel

By Bieberworld_x

My little angel // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now