Chapter 10

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Haddie. She's one special girl. I like her. A lot actually. She's funny and cute. I honestly don't care she's still in high school. To me it's more important that Alexandra likes my girlfriend which she does. Alexandra loves Haddie. Today after I dropped off Haddie at school, Alexandra told me "Don't lose her daddy. I want her to be my mommy. I like her."  That just made me smile. Knowing that she thinks that makes me happy.

I stopped the car and got out. I walked to my mom's house. I already finished my work and was going to pich up Alexandra since my mom was babysitting her. No one answered the door. This is so weird. They should be home. Mom always makes lunch at this time. I rang the doorbell again and once again no on e answered. I tried to open the door and it was unlocked. So strange. Mom would never leave the door unlocked. That's nothing like her. "Mom!" I yelled, closing the door behind me. No answer. She wasn't downstairs. "Mom!" I yelled again when I ran up the stairs "Justin." I heard. It came from my old room where now Alexandra sleeps when she's here.

I opened the door and saw my mom laying on the floor. I bent down and helped her to sit up. "Mom, what happened? Where's Alexandra?" I asked. I was worried and scared at the same time. "They took her, Justin." She told me, trying so hard not to cry. "What? No! They can't." I said, not believing any word she said. "I'm sorry." She cried. I hugged her. "Ssh. It's okay, mom. It's not your fault. Are you okay?" "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Worry about that little girl."

I helped her up sitting down on the bed. I need to call Haddie. She needs to know this. I hope she isn't in class. I told my mom I'd be right back and walked out of the room. After the second ring she answered. "Hey Justin." I could hear in her voice that she was happy and smiling. "Haddie, you have to come. Now!" I told her. "You know I'm at school right? What's wrong?" She asked. "They took Alexandra." I whispered. "Are you serious? No!" "Can you come? Please?" I whispered trying not to cry. "Where are you now?" "At my mom's." "I know where it is. I'm on my way." She said and hung up. It was then that I realized that tears were streaming down my face. Who would have thought that the little girl I found on the streets would mean so much to me?


I hung up and looked Hannah. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I gotta go." I said, ignoring her question. "Where to?" "Something's wrong. I gotta go to Justin. I'll explain later." I told her. "Can you cover up for me? Say I had to go to the dentist or something." "Yeah sure." She said. "Thanks. You're the best." I hugged her and packed my stuff and left.

Justin's mom didn't live that far away from school. In about 10 minutes I arrived at her house. As I was walking towards the door Justin opened it. I ran to him and hugged him. "She's gone, Haddie. She's gone." He sobbed. "C'mon. Let's go inside." I said and walked inside with Justin following me. Pattie was sitting on the couch. She didn't look okay. "Are you okay? I immediately asked. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Worry about that little girl." she replied.

I looked at Justin was now sitting next me. His eyes were red from all the crying. "What happened?" I asked. He took a deep breath and told me everything. I snifled and wiped away my tears. "What are you gonna do now?" I asked him. "I don't know. I really don't know." He sighed.


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My little angel

By Bieberworld_x

My little angel // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now