Chapter 12

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"Bye babe." Justin smiled and drove off.

I smiled as I entered the school. I finally got my Justin back and by that I mean that he's back to who he used to be. He's not depressed anymore. He works again. He's happy again and when he's happy, I'm happy. When he smiles, I smile.  Justin still misses Alexandra too. Me too to be honest. I mean she's such a sweet little girl. She just makes you smile. I hope I'll see her again soon.

I went to my locker where Hannah was already waiting for me. "Hey." She said, giving me a hug. "Hi." I said back and took the books I needed. "So how's Justin doing?" She asked as we walked to class. "Well a lot better. But he still misses Alexandra. But he's alright." "Do you think you will see Alexandra again?" I sighed. "I honestly don't know. I hope so though." "It will be okay. We'll find her." "I hope so. I really do." I sighed as we entered the classroom.

The day went by really fast and soon the final bell rang. I took my bag and left school. As promised Justin was waiting for me. I smiled and got in the car. "Hey." I kissed his cheek and he started driving. "How was your day?" He asked, glancing at me. "Boring. Like always." I told him. "How about yours?" I asked him. "Had a lot of work." "Oh yeah, my parents want to meet you." I told him. Justin looked at me. "Don't worry. It's gonna be alright." I assured him. "I hope so." "When will I meet them?" Justin asked, stopping at my house. "Maybe you can meet them now?" I suggested. "Sure. Why not?" I unlocked the door and walked in, Justin following me. "Mom, I'm home!" I yelled. "I'm in the kitchen." she replied. "C'mon." I said to Justin as I took his hand and went to the kitchen.

Mom was baking something. That's one thing she loved to do. Cooking and baking. This time she was making cupcakes. My favorite. "Mom, I'd like you to meet someone." I told her to grab her attention. She looked up. Her gaze went to Justin.  "Mom, this is my boyfriend Justin. Justin, this is my mom." "It's nice to meet you ma’am." Justin said and shook her hand. "Oh please call me, Claire. It's nice to meet you too." "Where's dad?" I asked. "Still at work. He should be home in an hour." "Okay. We're in my room." I said and walked to the stairs. Mom followed us. "Justin, are you staying for dinner?" She asked him. He looked at me. "I'd love to." He replied.

Justin and I were walking in the park. We just had dinner with my parents and they both approved of Justin. I'm happy about that. They like him and that's all that matters. "I told you they would like you." I said. "Yeah, you did." Justin chuckled. "It wasn't that bad." "Told you."

I kissed his cheek as we continued walking. No one spoke. We just walked hand in hand. We saw a bench and sat down. Justin put his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. I liked this. Just being with him. I put my head on his shoulder and just looked around. "This is the bench where I found Alexandra." Justin suddenly said, breaking the silence. I looked at him. "She just laid here. Sleeping." He continued. "I had to take her home. It didn't feel right to leave her here all by herself. I just couldn't. I couldn't leave her." "Hey. We'll find her again. Don't worry babe. She'll be back soon." I softly said, hugging him tight. I felt him nod his head. "I hope so. I really hope so." he whispered.

Justin couldn't understand that this little girl meant a lot to him. He just met her on the streets. She didn't have anyone anymore. She was just a stranger to him. But when he took her home with him, he knew he did the right thing. He cared for her like she was his own daughter. But she wasn't. She was someone else's and he couldn't stand that. He really loved that little girl. He would do anything to get her back. He couldn't stand knowing she might be hurt and he couldn't do anything to help her. As for Haddie. She tried to help as much as she could. She comforted Justin as much as she could. She knew deep down inside that there was a possibility that she wouldn't come back at all. But she wouldn't tell Justin. She couldn't. If she did, he would be hurt even more and that's the last thing she wanted. She hated to see her boyfriend hurt. She tried everything, but nothing worked.

I heard a noise. I looked around, but saw no one. We were the only ones in the park since it was getting late. I heard it again and looked at Justin. "Did you hear that?" I asked him. "What?" He asked confused, not knowing what I was talking about. I heard it again. And the look on Justin's face said that he heard it too. "That." I said and got up. "Babe, what are you doing?" Justin asked following me. "Looking where it comes from." I said. He took my hand to stop me. I looked at our hands, then up at him. "You don't know who it is or what it is. Let me go first." I nodded. We walked closer and we were both chocked at what we saw.


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My little angel

By Bieberworld_x

My little angel // justin bieberМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя