You pushed your friend away from the car, leaving you to be hit and confined to the hospital bed for a few months. Everything that happened after Rika's incident became a blur, you only could remember Rika getting down from the ledge of the roof.

Nobody in your family, nor the doctors, wanted to pressure you into remembering that event, because it would create a tremendous amount of pain that you never wanted to visit. The incident was categorized as an accident, and you were famous in school for "saving" Rika's life.

It also became the event where Rika went missing 2 days after you got hit.


Magenta, the leader of the Mint Eye, and also the person who wishes you dead. The woman of evil thoughts against the R.F.A., knew you were going to be a risk, and you proved as one of her worst nightmares. You knew too much.....too much information that would come from Saeran. Saeran wasn't only her apprentice, but he was the only person who knew her personality.

He was the one who understood her.

He abandoned her for you.

Saeran was her family.

Magenta and Saeran were half siblings, and lived together after their father took the Saeran in. The police received a noise complaint about someone yelling and crying . It was Saeran, suffering from his mother's abusive temper. Therefore, Saeran's father took action and made sure that no one knew about him and his illegitimate child, while police arrested the twins' mother.

Saeyoung lived with V and Rika, but Saeran became her family. Their father too busy to even conversate or greet them. Her mother was dead along with the twins' mother imprisoned in a mental hospital after found unstable in mental health during trial.

It was just the two of them who became best friends.

The young adult yet leader of the Mint Eye shared a common trait with Saeran. They both begrudged Saeyoung and his absence. Magenta and Saeyoung haven't met, but the things Saeran said to her changed her perspective on life.

Magenta hated Saeyoung and decided to push things further for hurting her best friend. And she didn't care if he shared the same blood running through her veins.

But now she was after you for taking Saeran away from her.

Destroying the R.F.A. was the least of her worries.


After convincing Saeran, you got him to make up with Saeyoung. Leaving threats if he manages to hurt Saeyoung verbally or physically. There were some tears and a lot of talking, but after a few hugs, both twins were loving brothers.

Both you and Saeran remained living in Saeyoung's apartment. Saeran, a cute tsundere around Saeyoung, but he tries to act all manly around you. The sweets you buy were his ultimate weakness. His vulnerable point was ice-cream, and you couldn't decide if he loved you or the dessert more.

It was a paradise for you, everything fell into place.

But it takes a game to be finished before starting another one.


"So what's up with the hair dye and eye contacts?"

Your question came out of nowhere as you remain in a cuddling position with Saeran. The surprisingly comfortable man had a peach sweater and got rid of his draping jacket that you pointed out. His reason for getting rid of the jacket was because you thought it resembled a shawl.

It kind of made him look emo, just thinking about it.

"Back then, my mindset was that if I look like Saeyoung, it would make me more angry and out of control. But if I had to change it, the reason would be because I didn't want to look like the idiot who's staring at long cat photos as we speak."

You turned your head to see Saeyoung on his desk with a deep look upon his face with a chip still hanging from his mouth. Your boyfriend was right about his twin staring at the long cat picture.

A giggled left your lips as you bury youself into Saeran's warmth.

"Don't be so mean to your brother Ran-Ran," You mumbled into his sweater.

A pink tint accentuated Saeran's cheeks at the cute nickname you gave him. He played with your hair and buried himself into your hair.

"S-shut u-up."

He can feel you smile as you realized his flustered state.

"Hey Ran-Ran."


"I was right."

"Right about what?"

"I'm right about getting my cuddle."



Going back to memory lane, you promised that there would be a day you two would cuddle. Saeran refused to accept it, being that he wasn't in a prepared state for hugging. You were still enveloped in his secure arms, loving the way his heart beats faster as you get him embarrassed.

It was a rare moment for Eliza to not distract Saeran.

She was doing her best to keep him away from you. Perks of having kitty daughters, Angelica is cemented to the idea of you being her mother. She sleeps with you, calls out for you if she couldn't see you, and sometimes she would compete with Eliza to prove that she's the baby. You cherished the happy moments you've made in Saeyoung's apartment.

The silence was broken from Saeyoung squealing over a new update of cat videos.

"That idiot," Saeran said, trying to refrain from slapping his twin brother for ruining the moment," I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too."


Saeran is such a cutie patootie!!!! I just love him sooooooooo much!!!! I'm sorry. I don't know if I should be concerned or happy over your reactions to Magenta being related to the twins. On the bright side, I got Saeran to cuddle you. Happy???

BTW, I know in the real game, she isn't related to them. Nor does anybody know if she exists, but I just needed her in order to create tension. I have control over this story.....*evil laughs*

Make sure to vote, comment, and add to your reading lists!!!!!

I'll update right around 2k-2.2k votes!!!!! Encourage others if you didn't! ^.-/

Stay fierce. Stay awesome!

Goldfish out!~....plup....plup....plup....

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