Big Easy Ain't So Easy

Start from the beginning

"Hey Ms. Siah." Detrick answered.

"Hi baby. How are you?"

"Better now that I'm hearing your voice." Dessiah blushed.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too. We both miss you."

"How was your day?" Dessiah asked.

"It was good. I got a lot of work done. Well, as much as I could with having you on my mind."


"Because I'm just worried about you. You're my lady and I'm always worried about your well-being. You've been through so much I don't want you to take on any more than you have to."

"Detrick thank you for caring so much about me. I love you."

"I love you too."

"How's Delaney? She didn't give you any trouble did she?"

"She's great. She never gives me trouble she just speaks her mind like her mama that's all."


"She got an A on her spelling test today. We studied last night before she went to be so today I took her to sky zone. Now she's knocked out next to me. Do you want me to wake her so you can say hello?"

"No that's alright. I know she had a blast with you."

"Yep. She called me Daddy again today."

"Oh yea? When?"

"When I went to pick her up from school she introduced me to her friends as her Daddy."

"Haha ohh I bet you didn't know how to act."

"Naw I really didn't. I was going to take her to sky zone just for that but when she told me about her test then I had a valid reason."

"Hahaha Oh Lord I thought you spoiled her before, Lord Jesus this is about to go over the moon."

"Hahaha she deserves every good thing she gets. Besides she's not spoiled she's well taken care of, by her Daddy."

" Hahaha okay if you say so Daddy."

"Ohhweee now I got you calling me Daddy too? Oh shucks are you trying to make me blush?" Detrick chuckled."

"SSSSSzzz" Dessiah sucked her teeth smiling. "Boy Bye!"

"Boy whatever. Don't worry one day I'll have you screaming Daddy just watch."


"Oh I'll have you screaming that too."

"Where is this coming from?"

"Have you seen you? Do you know what it's like to be in your presence? I'm a patient man but I'd be lying if I told you I can't wait to unwrap you like a gift on Christmas morning." Dessiah cheesed hard like a chester cat. He was so mannish and she liked it. To say that she hadn't thought of being intimate with Detrick is a complete lie. However she is still a married woman and she wants to be completely unattached legally before she gives her body to someone else. She couldn't help that he already had her heart, her body was sure to be next.

"Well I can't wait to go to sleep and dream about that De."

"Soon you won't have to dream baby. Imma give you some serious déjà vu." "Hahahahahaha" They both laughed hard.

"I can't with you right now. Hahaaha. You gon make me feel like Beyonce."

"Better than that. Ain't no Lemonade over here babe!"

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