All You've Ever Wanted

Start from the beginning

"Yes. I remember the men too." I said retorted quickly.

"Adeyemi, do you think I cheated on you? Why would you even think that? What do you take me for?" He asked offended

I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off "No I don't' even what to hear it. I fly here every weekend I can to see you and Aden and you're just going to accuse me of cheating? When do I have the time to cheat on you? Oh I know I'm just on the plane busting nuts before I come to see the mother of my child and fiancee."

"No- I-It's just-" I wanted to explain why I thought what I had thought but he wouldn't let me speak as he continued to let his anger get the best of him.

"Listen, I don't know if it's you becoming stir crazy or what but that's ridiculous of you to think that I'd do that."

"You did it before." I spoke without thinking,shit.

His eyes narrowed "Excuse me?"

"With me. You cheated on your ex fiance multiple times with me. We were at it for months." I mumbled

"I fell in love with you." He reasoned

"After we started having sex." I pointed out

"So what? You think I'm going to go out and do it again because I have so much time on my hands right?" He was mad. His face was slowly starting to turn color. For a second I didn't see him but someone else and my hand shook before I calmed it.

"No. I just. If you could just stop looking so upset I can explain. I told you not to get terribly upset before I brought it up." I spoke softer, maybe if I calmed my voice he would calm his.

"No you said not to hate you. But you're trying a thin line." He lowered his voice but his anger was thinly veiled.

That took me by surprise "How am I trying that hate line right now?" I asked folding my hands together and looking him in the eye.

"You're accusing me of cheating. I've never cheated on you. When we were in school you were the only girl I was with even though you were out fucking other men for shitty signatures and a black eye. When you married Ryan, I hadn't been with anyone since. Then after you broke up with me, that's when I started going out with other women." He hissed before he realized just what he said and how. "Yemi I-"

I looked at him in surprise. "How dare you throw what I did back in my face like that Jae. I know what I did. I was never proud of that. I still can't sleep properly and you're going to throw that in my face?All I wanted were some answers."

"Well now you have them. So let me ask you this then. Have you slept with anyone since we've gotten back together? Are you sure you don't need someone to sign a treaty somewhere? Or has it just been for free these days?"


"Wow. That was hurtful. You're being awfully hostile for someone who didn't cheat. Are you sure you don't want to fess up?" I asked "Or what are you mad because I'm not giving you anything? I can fuck you just like all the others , of course your signature would be for completely different documents. Like visitation rights only."

Jae shot me a glare. "Do you want me to have cheated? I haven't done anything, but if you want I can lie and tell you that I did. I can tell you that I loved every minute of it because she felt just like you when I closed my eyes. That I did it because we changed and being with that girl reminded me of what it was like to be with you. Because even when you're right here in front of me it feels like I can't grasp you."

I looked away. "So you're saying that if you did cheat it would be my fault?"

"No. It would be mine. All mine because no matter what cheating is wrong."

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