14. Old Pain, New Wounds

Start from the beginning

You're taking her side now? Wasn't it their fault? Aren't they responsible for what happened to her and what could have happened? Aren't—

They are responsible for what happened to her and I agree they deserve punishment and certainly I'm not taking her side but use your brain here, she doesn't know any of this. In fact she doesn't even remember the events happened that night. So just leave this topic.


They'll receive punishment and we'll personally take care of that. But she doesn't need to know this. You know she is not well now and we don't want her to stress over those slackers, you can see her concern for them. Royce tried to reason, concerning for her health.

"Mr. Valentine?" a soft voice resounded in the room with a hand waving in front of my eyes.

"Are you all right? You zoned out." She asked, her voice laced in concern. Her words spread warmth to my soul; it brings a pure joy to me, hearing her concern for us.

"What you were doing on the hallway?" I asked changing the topic, ignoring her query. She scrunched her brows in confusion but soon her eyes went wide with her mouth in reminiscence.

"Oh! That. Well actually I was there for moral support." She answered; the smile came back on her face with the spark in her eyes.

"Moral support?" I asked leaning forward; she really is an interesting person.

"Yes, well it was for Mr. Albert. Earlier today, I met him outside the corridor and he was looking tensed for some reason. When I asked him about the matter, he told me that his wife is angry with him and not talking to him at all. So, we made a plan to melt her anger and I was there to give moral support to him and to witness the success of our plan." She explained with the same gleam in her eyes, like reliving the moments. The grin on her face remain consistent while she spoke.

Realizing her over enthusiastic babbling, she bit her inner cheek in embarrassment. Stealing eye contact, she lowered her stare on the glass in front of her. Her cheeks turned into a brighter shade of blush. The atmosphere turned warm with her glow.

"Sorry." She murmured softly, still not meeting my gaze, fidgeting with her scarf.

"How?" I prompted, enjoying the beguiling view in front of me.

"Huh?" came her perplexed reply. A baffled frown appeared on her tinted face.

"How you melted her anger?" I cleared, placing my chin over the back of my palm. Her involvement was enough for me to take interest in the matter.

"Oh! Nothing much, just a simple apology is all it takes." She answered confidently with a shrug. I raised my brows, her reply didn't gave away much.

"We planned to apologize her, so Mr. Albert went to her and said sorry in a special romantic way and she melted. It was cute." She further explained leaning forward a little, enthusiasm was rushing in her eyes.

"She melted with a sorry, that's it?" I frowned at her words, is it that easy to apologize? Just a simple sorry and you're forgiven.

She mirrored my expression with her frown, the smile on her face replaced with a puzzled look.

"Yes." She simply replied nodding, with the small smile on the face.

When she perceived my unchanged expression, she went on but the firmness in her voice changed in soft velvet.

"A sincere sorry from heart is all you need to get apology. They love you, that's the reason they are angry and only you have the right to ask for their apology. Everything will fall into places; all it takes is an initiative." She completed with a tender smile.

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