"Why me?"

"You were recommend by the Principle."

That damn meddling uncle whom I have yet to meet. What is his end goal?

Pierce voice pulled me from my thoughts. It was full of patience and

"Would you be interested?"

My mind turned over the positives and negatives of accepting the position. First off, the negatives would  include being around you hateful people a few times a week. The positives, getting to know they enemy.

"I'll think about it."

Seemingly unsurprised by my answer, Pierce went on to say, "Of course, you'll have to go through a screening as there have been other recommendations and applications made."

I nodded. I wasn't arrogant enough to think I was the only one being considered for the position.

Suddenly, the large doors behind us burst open with a loud thump and a group of people streamed into the hall.

"Sorry we're late!" Called a youth, his small figure seen at the head of the group.

The speaker was an extremely short and slightly chubby looking boy whose flushed cheeks reminded me of a squirrel hauling nuts. His curly brown hair, wide green eyes and lightly freckled skin was the definition of cute!

He was just so damned cute!

I had a weakness I didn't want anyone to know about. Just thinking about it made me lament in my heart. I was highly suspectible to to cute things!

Whether they were in the form of babies or grown ass humans, my hands would itch to pinch cheeks and rub heads.

But, I restrained myself with great effort. I couldn't break my image...not yet.

Fortunately, another thought cooled the fire raging in my heart. I tilted my head in wonder. Since when did little kids attend high school?

"We were caught up in the cafeteria during rush hour and I had lost my spot in the line, so then I had to abuse my power to get it back. Eh, who is this pretty boy? Are you looking to join our circle? Blah blah blah blah...My name is Charlie but you can call me Charles. What is your name?"

Cuteness aside, this kid talked way too much. He spoke a slew of words in a short amount of time, that it left me blinking in the dust. Just where did he get the energy to talk so much?!

He had said so much words within a short time frame that, honestly, I had missed half of what he'd said.

"Uh, nice to meet you, Charlie." I numbly greeted.

"Charles! Didn't I just tell you to call me charles?! Are you trying to pick a fight?!"

Charlie suddenly burst with anger, hi small form flew towards me as he berated.

"How old are you? I'll tell you now, I am eighteen years old, blah blah blah..."

Shocked by the sudden outburst, I stepped back and stole a look at Pierce. He was coughing into his hand, clearly surpressing his laughter.

My mind blanked. He was laughing?

My theory that he was a Fake resurfaced. He had to be, because the Pierce I know wouldn't smile or laugh...in the game.

My face suddenly distorted. A torrent of curse words flew out from my mouth and I clutched my throbbing shin.

If I had to make a comparison of how painful it was, then the pain was equivalent to stubbing your toe under the door. I barely managed to stop from hopping around like an idiot and bawling my eyes out.

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