✿ Twenty-one ✿

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My face felt hot. My fingers started to tremble. My heart rate felt like it was through the roof.

"Well?" He bellowed.

I thought back, how could he know? How did he have found out?

There was a pressure behind my eyes and tears threatened to fall. My throat felt tight.

"I'm not an idiot, Rob," Mat held my phone in the air and shook it before my eyes. I gasped softly. I was the idiot. I was so stupid. I shouldn't have even started talking to Preston beyond employee and customer. My tears were falling now.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered, my body felt frozen in fear. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry means shit to me! You're having an affair with someone else, you good for nothing asshole!"

I've never seen Mat so mad. His hands shook with rage. His breathing was heavy. I wanted to run, but my feet remained planted on the ground.

"I'm sorry Mat– we're only friends–"

"Friends? Huh? You think I'm going to believe you?" His hand came towards my face and I flinched as it hit me. A sob rose in my throat as I clutched my cheek. It hurt so much, but it didn't stop there. "You lost my trust, Rob."

I knew that deep down there was nothing I could've said or done to stop any of this. There was also a part of me that thought Mat needed help and I wasn't someone who could give it to him. I was only a worker at a flower shop and he needed someone who was more.

"I'm sorry," I tried again. My voice cracked as more sobs wracked my body. I curled into a ball as the fury of abuse kept up. It felt like every bone in my body ached and I couldn't catch my breath. "Mat," I cried, "Please stop."

Who I was looking at wasn't the Mat I knew. This person was no longer the sweet and caring nerd I fell in love with. I was looking at a monster.

I gasped loudly when his hands fell around my throat and started squeezing. I struggled to yell his name, but it came out as a choked whisper. He yanked me towards the window and threw me against it, my head hitting it with a smack. Pain blossomed at the impact. His hands released my neck and I heaved. The room was spinning and I fought to get oxygen back into my lungs. Before I could recover, his hands locked around my neck once.

"You son of a bitch! You think you can cheat on me? After all I've done for you? Huh? Speak up," He snarled. I felt tears trickle down my cheeks. I couldn't see straight and no matter how much I tried, I couldn't seem to get enough air. I felt fear in the core of my being.

I wanted to give up. If that was life, I didn't want to continue existing. I let my body go limp and I stopped fighting against Mat. While I had more words to say and more pictures to paint, I didn't care. Not anymore. My body and my mind seemed to disagree because my chest still made feeble attempts to rise and fall despite the attacker's hands on my neck. Everything hurt and I wanted it to end.

"I'm sorry Mom," I mouthed. No sounds came out except a wheeze. I heard Mat breathing heavy. We were on the ground now. I didn't have to look to know the majority of my body was a deep violet colour or a burning crimson. I didn't have to look to know Mat's face was contorted in a hateful expression. I didn't have to look to know that I was dying.

I heard a loud crash and couldn't tell if I was imaging things or something was actually happening. I felt the hands leave my neck and I took a shaky breath. I involuntarily started coughing, my body contracting in ways that hurt so bad.

"Rob! Oh dear God, Rob! What did you do?" I heard someone scream through my hacking. I knew tears were still falling down my cheeks and pooling on the floor. I felt hands on my face and I wanted them off immediately. I didn't have the strength to move them. I wanted to be dead.

"Rob, baby, it'll be okay. You'll be okay, there's an ambulance coming," I heard them murmur. Then I felt lips against my cheeks. They felt cold against my stinging skin.

"Shit, what did I do?" Mat swore. I closed my eyes again and the world went dark.

When I woke up again it felt like I had been hit by a car. Or two. My eyes flew open and my head ached. The room was dark, something I was thankful for. I took a deep breath before moving my head to the side. I regretted it. There was a weird pain in my neck that brought tears to my eyes. I squeaked in discomfort.

"Rob?" I heard someone gasp. They were sitting in the chair next to my bed which I hadn't noticed before.

"Hi," I said. My voice was scratchy. I looked around for some water, trying to move my head minimally.

"It's Preston, do you remember me? What's your name? What's the date?" He bombarded me with questions.

"Of course I remember you," I smiled weakly. It fell soon. I remembered it all. "Where's Mat?" I asked, skipping his questions.

"He's at his parent's right now," He answered quietly.

"Why did he do it?" I questioned. I was overcome by a mixture of emotions and I moved stiffly to wipe the tears gathering in my eyes before they fell.

"I don't have an answer for you, but I know that you're here now. You're safe. He isn't going to hurt you anymore," His response was firmer than the last.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble," I whispered, "I didn't mean for you to get so involved."

"I need to apologize. I knew about it sooner -" I heard his voice crack slightly and he exhaled before he spoke again, "I could've done something before this happened," He finished. I knew he was almost crying and I wasn't quite sure why. He added, "You almost died because of my stupidity."

"You don't have to apologize," My reply was empty. I prepared myself and then turned my head to face the ceiling. I winced slightly.

"I love you."

I blinked.

"I love you," He repeated.

I closed my eyes and tried to process his words. There was silence for both of us until long after I fell asleep.


I am so sorry for leaving a cliffhanger and then updating rlly late oops

THANK U GUYS SO MUCH all ur support and votes and comments mean so much to me u don't understand omg

also thanks for like 300+ followers i am SMILING so hard. hope to see u guys soon in the next chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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