Chapter 10 - Saved

Start from the beginning

"Don't be late on your fist day of work! I expect to see you at four tomorrow evening!!"

I could make out that he shook his head. He waved once more before disappearing around the corner. I hope he turned up tomorrow....I was looking forward to some nice company.

"Okay! How about I lock the store and we head home, Tomo?" I looked at him as he stood wagging his tail beside me.

He was already sort of trained. He didn't run off on his own without me close to him but I did have to keep him on a leash when we were on the sidewalks or in the park. Anything could serve as a distraction there and cause him to forget about me completely and run off on his own. Besides, other people walking would probably get startled if Tomo jumped on them in his friendly excitement.

He gave me a bark and followed me into the store so I could pick up my bag and put him on his leash. I checked everything on the display racks before locking up and heading home.

I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some things that I needed for home including some dog food. Reiko san packed the items in a brown paper bag for me and after thanking her, Tomo and I took our leave.

"Today was a good day, wasn't it, Tomo?" I looked at earning a happy bark in response. "Haah! I got a good exercise, helped someone, at least I think I helped him, and got some shopping done. A nice warm bath sounds good after a day's work....and then a good night's rest!"

I smiled as I passed by an old couple on the sidewalk. The old man stopped to pet Tomo affectionately and he chuckled as Tomo licked his hand. They were actually people who had moved only recently into the apartment next to mine. We had spoken one or two times and there were really nice people. Since I always liked to be friendly with everyone, I had even given them some cupcakes that I had baked last week.

When were almost home, just about a block away, I stopped walking. Tomo looked up at me curiously but I was looking up at the sky in slight anxiety. I could sense one of those monsters very close by but I wasn't able to pinpoint its exact location because it seemed to me moving around swiftly. It was powerful and made the pit of my stomach clench up. I felt goosebumps rise on my skin and I swallowed thickly.

"We have to hurry, Tomo....I don't like this feeling."

Tomo seemed to pick up on my signs of anxiousness and he whimpered. He came to stand close to me, his ears down and his tail between his legs in fear. I tugged at his leash to make sure he stayed close to me as I picked up my pace of walking.

I turned my head back to check if there was anything behind me but I spotted nothing. I could still feel the dark presence and I came to realize that I wasn't able to pinpoint where the monster was because its power was quite strong. The dark aura had settled over the whole block and wasn't contained to where the monster actually was.

"Oomph!" Startled, I looked ahead when I bumped into someone. I wasn't looking ahead and it was my mistake for bumping into the person.

"Watch where you're going, brat!" Tomo and I flinched as a slightly drunk man snapped at us.

"I-I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I bowed my head as I apologized.

"Heeh? You weren't *hic* looking where you were going?" I cringed back when he spoke, getting the thick stench of alcohol from him.

Feeling very uncomfortable at the way his eyes travelled down my body, I held the paper bag of groceries tighter to my chest. I didn't like the way he was looking at me, almost undressing me with his eyes. He was even smirking now and he licked his lips.

Not wanting to stay here for longer than necessary, I gave him another short bow and went around him. I didn't get very far through, because the man took a hold of my wrist in a painfully tight grip and pulled me back. I yelped, dropping my grocery bag to the floor and all the contents fell out.

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