Chapter 10 - Saved

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This chapter is dedicated to pokemon-is-fun! Happy reading :)


Saki pov:

"You want me to work part time at your shop?" Sei kun deadpanned at me.

"Yup! I was planning on hiring someone to help watch the shop since doing it alone is a little difficult. After you're done with school, you can come and help out in the evenings! I can manage in the mornings since it isn't as busy as the evenings." I smiled at him, quite proud of my idea.

Having someone help around at the shop, especially with moving around heavy stuff or going out to make deliveries, would put me at ease. I wouldn't actually make him work unless really required. This would serve as a change of environment for Sei kun. It could help take his mind off the frustrations caused by the people around him.

"I don't want to." I raised a brow at his immediate refusal. "What am I going to do sitting around pots and pans, anyway? It's not like I'm going to cook...."

I rolled my eyes and took a hold of his hand. I dragged him behind me and sat him down on the chair behind the cash counter. Tomo scurried behind me, barking and lolling his tongue out. He ran around us and occasionally went to sniff at the works on display. If he tried to touch it with his paw, I would call out to him and he would immediately come running to me to accept an affectionate ruffle.

I looked back at Sei kun sternly. "Now you listen here. I want you to work here for your own good. You don't have anything to do after school, do you? If I leave you alone after hearing what you said, I'm worried that you'll get bullied again. I don't want you to fight; I want you to concentrate on school and not worry your mother. While you're here in the shop, you can take time to study and unwind from your day at school. Sounds good, doesn't it?"

"I guess...." He mumbled half heartedly and looked away from me.

"Besides, I could use some help around the shop too. Don't think I'm going to let you sit here for free." I winked but Sei kun just sighed.

"Sei kun." I placed a hand on his shoulder making him look at me. "You may not be very interested in this but I'm sure that it will help you feel better. You can give it a try, right?"

He didn't speak for a few moments and just watched me thinking. He narrowed his eyes just a bit before he finally spoke.

"You kind of sound like my mother when she's nagging me about something...." My brow twitched at his words. "But I guess I could give it a try. Don't keep your hopes up though."

He stood up, making me let him go. He walked a little away from me before he crouched and scratched Tomo behind his ears with both hands. He was rewarded with a few barks, a violently wagging tail and slobber all over his hands. Sei kun chuckled as he wiped off the slobber on his pants and stood up again.

I have to say, he looked handsome when he laughed honestly. He was even good at heart....anyone could tell that when they saw the way he treated Tomo or spoke about his mother or spoke to me. He didn't usually bother with anyone but he did know how to help and show sympathy; just like how he had done while helping an old lady cross the road on the way to my shop. If only he didn't fight with people and glare at them all the time when they tried to talk to him, I'm sure he would have had at least a few true friends despite his difficult background.

"Well, see you." He turned around and walked out of the shop while waving his hand. His other hand was in his pocket.

I walked out of the store when he took a turn on the sidewalk. I watched his retreating figure and smiled. Cupping my hands on either side of my mouth, I yelled out to him.

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