Chapter 27 - Bravery

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Listen to the music as you read the story! It really gives an awesome effect~ ^^


Saki pov:

"Saki, it's time to take you home."

I sighed and slumped my shoulders, finally feeling the weight lifted off my chest. I couldn't even express how glad I felt right now. I knew things were going to be okay and everything was going to fall into place.

"Um....Saki san? Are you really with that Espada?" Orihime san asked cautiously.

Much to my surprise, all of her injuries were gone. Her clothes were still a mess but she looked healthy again. She was standing with no trouble at all. Looks she had more than one type of power. She had created a barrier to block attacks from the arrancar and now she had healed her injuries.

"Yes, Orihime san. I love Starrk....he's been coming to the human world often to spend time with me. Starrk and Lilynette are like my own family now." I looked at Lilynette, returning her happy grin with a smile.

"Starrk, you can save Orihime san too, right? You can take both of us back to the human world, right? I know that I'm probably bothering you with this but I want to help her too." I asked, looking at Starrk with a pleading expression.

"It's not a bother...." He said simply and looked up at Orihime san for her consent in the matter.

Orihime san smiled and bowed forty five degrees with her hands linked in front of her. "Thank you, Saki san. But I'm going to stay here. All my friends have come here to save me and I too want to do what I can to help them fight. I think I am needed here more than I am needed in the human world."

"But Orihime san....are you sure?" I pressed.

I suppose I could understand that she would want to stay. Unlike me, she had special powers that she could use to help her friends in this fight. But could they really stop Aizen san from destroying Karakura Town and killing the people in it?

"Yes, definitely. We will definitely win so you should be brave too, Saki san. You should go home and be with your family and friends." Orihime san straightened up and smiled.

"O-okay....I guess. If that's what you want to do."

"Saki." I looked back at Starrk when he called my name. "I'll take you back to the human world now. Is there anything you had with you when you came here?"

"O-oh, yeah....I guess I'd really like it if we go back to the human world. I had my side bag with me when I came here." I told him.

He glanced at Lilynette and she nodded. She disappeared and reappeared in a flash with my side bag. She handed it to me and I caressed the side of her with a word of thank you. I also exchanged goodbyes with Orihime san telling her to be careful and thanking her for protecting me from the two arrancar.

"Let's go." Starrk said and the next moment, he was moving at such a fast speed through Las Noches that I had to cling onto his torso like my life depended on it.

Of course, he was holding me to himself and I knew I wouldn't fall out of his arms. But it's a reflex reaction, right?

Starrk stopped for a moment to snap his fingers and open up the black space through which I had come to Hueco Mundo with the other two arrancar. Since we weren't walking, we were out of the black space in less than five minutes. I felt happiness swell in my chest as I breathed in the early morning air of the human world and got a good view of the buildings, the trees and everything normal.

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