Chapter 23 - Ups and Downs

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This chapter is dedicated to AlyssHeart101! Happy reading! :3


Saki pov:

I swayed to the light music playing in the background in my shop. I didn't have anything in particular to do because I had decided to take this day to relax. The last two months had been so hectic with Aunt Chiyo in the hospital and me managing home chores, work and helping out at the orphanage. Even after Aunt Chiyo had returned home, I went to the orphanage to help out every day. She needed to rest a bit and I insisted on helping out till she was certified as fully healed by the doctor.

Everything had finally settled down now.

I was sitting at the table besides Sei kun and sketching something randomly. It was just a representation of the thought process in my head. A customer walked in occasionally but this week seemed to be progressing a little slowly. I guess it was because of the change in weather. Winter was almost over and spring was soon to come. Lots of people were on vacation and this time of the year always had slow business.

I paused my sketching and looked at Sei kun. He was reading a novel as he sat beside me. Since he had holidays too, he worked during the mornings and headed home in the afternoon, a little bit after lunch time. It was almost time for him to leave and there was something I wanted to ask him.

"Hey, Sei kun?"

He looked up from his book to meet my gaze. I smiled and reached out to move some of his hair off his forehead.

At first, he would tense up when I did something like this. He would even get a little flustered. But seeing that I didn't stop with the gestures, he got used to it and didn't bother pulling away from me when I did so.

"I guess it's kind of late to ask but are things going on okay at your school? I said some pretty mean things to your teacher before your exams....I hope he hasn't been keeping a grudge on you because of what I said."

"No, he's been pretty reserved lately. Even though the other teachers still provoke me now and then, Maki sensei has mellowed down a bit." He smiled a bit. "I think what you said has really got him thinking. He doesn't badmouth me anymore."

I nodded, returning his smile sheepishly. "That's good to hear. I just said all that because I was annoyed. It was a spur of the moment. I'm glad I didn't cause any trouble."

"Don't worry, Saki san. I know that everything you do is because you care about the people close to you. What you did was a little impulsive but it seems to have had positive effects. And it's really helped me be more confident of myself too."

We were enveloped by a few moments silence. But Sei kun closed his book and stood up soon after, gaining mine and Tomo's attention.

"Well, I guess I'll head home now. Ka san was telling me that she wanted to go grocery shopping today so I don't want to be late."

He walked to Tomo who was already standing and wagging his tail vigorously and anticipating a nice thorough ruffle from Sei kun. He got what he wanted and rewarded Sei kun with a lot of slobber on his face and hands. It made the both of us laugh and I shook my head as I walked with Sei kun to the entrance of the shop.

"I'll be off then." He gave me a short bow.

"Alright. Take care on your way home." I waved and he headed out of the shop.

I walked back to the table, stretching my arms above my head and cracking my knuckles. I was feeling lazy today, all the more because I had decided not to work on anything. But of course, I had my sketching to keep me busy so I decided to get back to that.

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