Chapter 28 - Deflection

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Saki pov:

Scrunching up my face, I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was sort of blurry and I felt like I had collapsed after running a marathon. I blinked several times and the wooden ceiling above me finally came into focus.

From where I slept, I looked around the room. There was furniture and pictures on the walls I couldn't recognize. This place didn't seem familiar to me at all. In fact, it was as if I wasn't even in my room or my house.

My eyes went wide at my thoughts and I shot up into sitting position. I looked around me and put of the window besides the bed. This wasn't my house! This wasn't even a neighborhood that I recognized! In fact....this wasn't Karakura Town!

Everything that happened before I passed out came rushing to me. Starrk had left me here, in this town far away from my own, so I would stay safe during the fight between Aizen san and the people of Soul Society! I had begged him to take me back to Aunt Chiyo and he had agreed....but it was just a way of stopping me from doing anything reckless on my own. I clearly remember him applying pressure on one particular spot on my neck that made me unconscious. That and....

I reached up with one hand to touch the spot where his mark was. The skin there was tender and burned as I touched it. There were also a few light scratches from Starrk's canines. He had kissed it, nipped at it roughly making sure the mark was highly noticeable. And his gesture was so....desperate.

I snapped my head up and to the side when I heard the door of the room I was in open. A kind looking old woman in her fifties walked in. When she noticed me sitting up, her eyes went slightly wide.

"Oh my! You're finally up!" She smiled warmly. "How do you feel?"

"I....I-I'm okay. Where exactly am I?" I responded trying my best not to sound too rude.

"You're in East Bay Town. My husband found you lying unconscious in our back yard....we were very worried especially since you had a mark that showed that you had been assaulted. I'm just glad you aren't hurt anywhere else." She walked closer to me and stopped right beside the bed.

I slumped my shoulders, breathing unsteadily as I looked at the blanket. "East Bay Town....wait a minute....this isn't very far from Karakura Town, is it? If I take the bullet train, I should get there in two hours max! A taxi would take three hours...."

"Are you from Karakura Town? If you need any help going back there, my husband can drive you. But you should rest up a bit and eat something before you go there." The lady spoke, interrupting my train of thought.

Ignoring what she said, I jumped of the bed while startling her. I reached for my side bag that was lying on the table on the other side of the room and rummaged through it to pull out my emergency mini makeup kit.

"I'm sorry but I hope you don't mind me using the bathroom for a minute." I gave a quick bow before dashing into the bathroom attached to the room.

I washed my face and put on some basic makeup so I didn't look dull and exhausted like how I was actually feeling. I also put some concealer onto the mark on my neck, hissing as the skin burned when the makeup irritate scratches. I also rummaged through my bag to make sure I had a good amount of money, my cell phone that had about fifty percent battery and enough to work for a while, as well as pepper spray. Well, I knew that pepper spray would be pretty useless in the place where I was headed but being equipped with something was better than nothing, right?

I bolted out of the bathroom, once again startling the lady in the room. I stopped near the door though and gave a deep bow.

"Please forgive me for being in such a rush! Thank you for taking care of me and I promise I will make it up to you soon!"

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