Chapter 20 - Treading Dangerous Waters

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This chapter is dedicated to Acid_Lilac! Happy reading :)


Starrk pov:

"Oi Lilynette." I called out, scratching my head and tired of thinking.

"Huh? What is it, Starrk?" She responded, mildly surprised that I had called her. I wasn't one to start conversations by calling her name after all.

"Do you want to keep going to the human world to see Saki?" I asked, falling onto my back on the mattresses.

I had been giving a lot of thought about this matter after the last visit to her shop. I wasn't the type to think much about anything. I hated it because it was too much trouble. In any situation, I did what I felt like doing at that moment. I didn't care about what other people thought or what the consequences would be. I never had to....after all, there wasn't anyone who could kill me. I don't know if there was anyone who was more powerful than me besides Aizen sama anyway.

I never had any comrades besides Lilynette. That's how it had been before and after we met Aizen sama. We agreed to live in Las Noches merely because it felt a little better not having others disappear under the influence of our reiatsu. It was also because we knew we didn't have the choice to refuse Aizen sama's demands. He was much more powerful than us and if we disobeyed his orders, he would kill us.

At first though, I wasn't bothered about what Aizen sama would do to us. I don't know about Lilynette but living and dying had no difference to me. Our existence was almost infinite and we were stuck in this gloomy place. There was nothing here besides darkness – both in appearance and actuality. It was only after I met Saki that I actually looked forward to living and to the time I got to spend with her. I wanted to live because I now had a place where I felt I belonged.

To think I even went to the extent of thinking like a foolish human and accepting her confession of this so called love. What more, on my last visit, I even initiated a gesture that humans did when they had mutual affection for each other.

I had kissed Saki.

I didn't really think that it would be anything great. I had done it out of plain curiosity and to see how Saki would react to it. But when I did kiss her, I had experienced emotions and sensations that I never had before. The first time I met her soft lips, she had nearly collapsed. I was startled, concerned that I had done something she didn't like. However, she only told me that she found the feeling just as amazing as I did. She even said that it was the first time she had kissed someone.

Knowing that I was the first and, hopefully, the last person that she saw with such affection and attachment, the possessiveness I had felt over Saki had increased tenfold. And I cannot even express how alive I felt when she had responded by wrapping her arms around my neck and shoulder, holding me close to herself.

It was at that moment I knew that I had clearly gone past the point of no return.

I had already told Saki that I was a possessive man. I never had anything I wanted but when I did, I would never let go of it no matter what. I would not let Saki run away from me. She was mine.....and mine alone.

"Of course I want to keep going! What kind of stupid question is that?!" I returned to the present, hearing Lilynette answer my question rather miffed. "You want to keep going too, don't you, Starrk? You're the one who wants to stay close to Saki more than me. You think I don't know how you see her? I'm a part of you, you know?"

I turned my head to look at her. It was obvious that she knew how I saw Saki. I wouldn't even be surprised if she knew that I had gone to the extent of kissing her and feeling that life was no longer worth living if she wasn't around. Now that I think about it, that's exactly how it was now.

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