Chapter 29 - Final Battle

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Kyouraku pov:

"Kyouraku! What is going on here?! What is he saying?!"

"I'm at a loss of words...." I mumbled, watching the Espada quite bewildered.

It was surprising and worrying enough having a human suddenly appear in this fake Karakura Town. We had made sure that the whole of Karakura Town including all the people in it had been sent to Soul Society so that they were out of harms way and destruction caused by this violent fight as well as safe from Aizen's demented plans. Of course, stopping Aizen was a tough challenge, especially with the Complete Hypnosis of his zanpakuto. But we were doing everything possible in our power to stop the Espada and the three shinigami from actually hurting anyone.

We hadn't expected that any human would be here. This girl, however, who was now being held close to the Espada, had turned up out of nowhere. It's like she had come in through the hat we had put around the town. And even more astonishing, she was behaving like she was in love with him!

Was that even possible??

"Starrk, what are you going to do now?" I frowned when the girl spoke.

As Starrk san looked away from Aizen and to the girl, his visible eye softened. It was quite strange to see a hollow with such an expression. He was even holding her to himself with an arm around her shoulders and she didn't seem in the least hesitant to hold him around the torso either. Then again, perhaps what I thought about both of them harboring feelings for each other was true. She had even kissed him, unconcerned of all the people around watching.

"I don't have any choice besides fighting against Aizen sama. If I want to stay with you, that's the only option I have." Starrk san answered her question with a shrug.

"Fight Aizen san?! But he's your leader, isn't he? That's means he's stronger than you....I don't want you to get hurt, Starrk. There has to be another way!" The girl frowned at him.

Her name is Saki, right? She seemed to really care for Starrk san's well being. I guess seeing the way they were behaving was enough to clear out the doubts I had but it was always better to confirm by hearing it from the person in question.

I lowered my swords and sighed. Ukitake looked at me curiously and lowered his swords as well when I gave him a nod. He had understood what I intended to do now so he too looked ahead at Starrk san and the human as they spoke.

"Saki chan, wasn't it?" I took the liberty to speak up first.

Upon hearing her name, the human turned to meet my gaze. I smiled, trying to keep the atmosphere friendly.

"Can you please explain what's going on here? It's kind of strange seeing how you're so close to an Espada." I said gently.

She looked at Starrk san for a moment, debating on whether she should tell us what was going on. He just gave her a nod and looked at us along with Saki chan. I was expecting him to be the one to tell us what was going on but Saki chan spoke.

"Actually....Starrk and I have been seeing each other for almost ten months now."

Ukitake and I gasped at her words. There's no way that a human was going to Hueco Mundo....Starrk san had to be the one who had been coming to the human world then. An Espada had been coming to the human world, Soul Society knows how many times a day, for the past ten months and no one from Soul Society had sensed it? Not even Kurosaki san? How was it that a reiatsu so powerful had been overlooked so recklessly?

"You weren't able to sense me when I came here because I had a contraption to hide my reiatsu." Starrk san answered my unasked question.

"How often have you been coming to the human world?" Ukitake asked this time.

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