Chapter 24 - Confronted

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Vega pov:

I sighed for the millionth time today. I hated when Charlotte fought with Findor, arguing about his beauty and what not's. Avirama and I usually didn't bother with them but it's hard to ignore their annoying shouting when we're all stuck in the same room. As for the other two –I have no idea where they're at.

"Will you guys give it a rest? Honestly, you're so annoying...." I muttered, slumping even more than before in the chair where I sat.

"Vega! Don't interrupt! This is a debate on beauty! Only someone like me can understand true beauty....but it seems Findor doesn't seem to get it!" He glared at the blonde as he spoke.

"Ah, whatever...." I muttered and went back to looking out off the window at the sands of Hueco Mundo.

"There's no point trying to argue with them, Vega. Although, it would be better to fight and settle things once and for all." Avirama grinned as thoughts of battle filled his mind.

"Well, that would be possible if you plan on going against His Majesty Barragan sama." I smirked, challenging the three blockheads here to even try and fight amongst themselves.

They frowned at my words and I turned away from them still smirking. I had won this fight and the three of them settled down to do whatever they wanted to individually. Avirama and Findor looked rather happy that the argument had come to an end but Charlotte was sulking. He wasn't able to prove his theory on beauty and he was dissatisfied.

We all sat lost in our own thoughts now. His Majesty had gone to speak to Aizen sama who had summoned him almost an hour ago. It was unusual for Aizen sama to summon any of the Espada often, especially individually, other than Ulquiorra. I was a little curious to know why His Majesty had been summoned. His Majesty was at no level to be sent around to do his errands. I didn't like the thought of that possibility.

Several minutes passed in silence but we all perked up when His Majesty walked into the room, having finished with his meeting with Aizen sama. We all stood up and gave him respectful deep bows and waited as we were until he summoned his chair made from bones and sat down on it.

"Your Majesty, I hope that the discussion with Aizen sama went well." I said, straightening up and smiling at him.

"Hmmm...." His Majesty didn't speak and just observed the four of us silently. He seemed to be thinking deeply about something....probably about what Aizen sama had discussed with him.

"Vega, Charlotte." He called out soon after and the two of us took a step forward, awaiting his command.

"Aizen sama summoned me to talk about his next plans. Apparently, Coyote Starrk has been going to the human world quite often to meet up with a human girl. This girl had piqued Aizen sama's interest and he wants her brought here to Hueco Mundo."

I narrowed my eyes at His Majesty's words. The Primera of the Espada was meeting up with a human? We had known that he was going to the human world often but we had assumed that he was going there to kill humans and pass the time. But he had been meeting up with one human so often and enough to get Aizen sama interested in her? Surely, as a powerful existence, Coyote Starrk wasn't going soft and embarrassing the very character of us hollows by going soft around a human. That would be very insulting!

"A human, Your Majesty? So, Aizen sama wants to bring another human to Hueco Mundo besides the girl Ulquiorra brought here?" Charlotte clarified, seeming surprised and curious.

"Yes. That is what he called me for." His Majesty leaned back in his chair and rested his chin on his fist. "Ulquiorra is taking care of other matters at the moment and Aizen sama believes that there aren't any other arrancar with enough self restraint besides my fraccion to handle this task. Vega, Charlotte, I want the two of you to go to the human world and bring this human to Hueco Mundo."

Across Worlds - A Coyote Starrk Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz