Chapter 16: Evil Pays

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The only downside to the blood magic, except for the fact that it drew directly from Syèl's health, was that the higher tier moves exclusive to the class required health points he was nowhere close to possessing. Syèl decided he had to go level up some.

"You're done!?" the halben who had guided Syèl exclaimed in shock, eyes wide. He could not believe his eyes. He had estimated a week or two, but a single day!? What kind of mad speed was this!? Not only that but judging from the bloody aura oozing from Syèl's body, he had successfully learned the Blood Mage class. The guide stared at Syèl with a bit of trepidation. In the initial plan, they would slowly indoctrinate the halben over time. However, Syèl had completed the book too quickly. What should they do now?

Despite his misgivings, the guide smiled at Syèl and announced, "Now you can control all spells in the Destructive and Illusion schools freely. Naturally, you will have to begin with the novice spells though."

Syèl raised a brow. "And the remaining schools?"

"You should be able to learn them later on," the guide replied. "But the Restoration school will prove especially difficult, even after you have mastered blood magic. It's the direct opposite of your class, after all."

"Good to know," Syèl said. A mischievous grin spread over his lips as he asked, "Just wondering, are there any others like me?"

The guide shook his head. "No. Ferulic and his children did not trust us with their powers, so they chose to seal their powers to be obtainable only by Summoned like you."

A dangerous light sparked in Syèl's eyes, but the guide failed to spot it. "So right now, I am the only one alive that possesses blood magic?"

"To my knowledge, yes," the guide confirmed. "And that is why you shall help us co—!"

Syèl's hand stabbed through the elf's throat, shutting him up permanently. "I liked you better when you were silent." The cultists in the room screamed bloody murder and immediately launched fireballs and ice at him.

Syèl flung the guide's corpse into the closest fireball. Boom! The resultant explosion swallowed up the incoming projectiles and shielded the Blood Mage from view. Whoosh! Syèl dashed out of the flames with a thin, Beginner-level mana-shield covering him. Electricity sparked around the halben's body as he appeared next to the closest Mage. [Supercharge] was a Beginner-level Mage skill that increased the speed and agility of whoever it was cast on.

The Mage was shocked at Syèl's appearance. He, like most Mages, focused all his training on magic and thus had little health and poor armor, which made him terrible at close range combat.

Easy prey.

Syèl slid under a projectile and kicked the legs out from under the Mage, who fell forward over him. Syèl launched himself upwards with an uppercut and punched the Mage square in the jaw on the Mage's way down, finishing him off with a fireball to the chest.

Syèl's expression turned serious as several projectiles flew towards him from all directions. He ran to the wall and kicked against it, launching himself back over the missiles. Twisting in the air, the Blood Mage fired lightning spears into the hearts of two Mages. He landed behind the stunned Mages and wrung their necks. The remaining three Mages glared at him, bloodlust evident in their eyes.

The vengeful Mages cast a wall of fire and sent it towards him. As far as they were concerned, a low-level Mage should not be able to block their combined attack. However, they made a fatal mistake in their calculations. Syèl's high Intelligence made his magic attacks rival that of the average level 40 Mage.

Syèl snorted as massive ice spears formed in his palms. With an evil grin, he flung them at the firewall. The bolts easily tore through the firewall, then stabbed through the Mages. The ice spread from the point of contact until it encased them all in ice.

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