Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Umm...Lego House, I guess. A Team would be a close second though."

Rose didn't ask any more questions or make any other comments for the rest of the ride to the dance. And I didn't say anything further either.

I did however, hear her singing faintly to herself. Not that I knew what it was called or who was singing it.

"I'm gonna be your one only one wild child,

You need to give in into the riptide,

Let me take you on an endless ride,

Gonna be your one only one only one only wild child."

Okay, maybe I said something, but we'd arrived at the dance now, so it was all good. I just had to break the silence, it was killing me.

"You should really take up singing professionally." I told her.

"Urgh. I was singing again, wasn't I?" She responded. "Stupid." She muttered.

"I don't see why you put yourself down like that. You're a great singer, Rose."

"No I'm not. I'm just me. No biggie there."

Just then, as we got out of my car, John pulled up next to us and him and Jess got out.

"Hey!" Jess greeted us excitedly as she walked over to Rose. "This is going to be so much fun!"

"That's what you say about every dance, Jess." Rose replied.

"Don't go raining on my parade now, Rose. Now let's get inside. It's getting a bit breezy out here."

"I'm right behind you."

They started walking off to the dance, leaving me with John. I just couldn't take my eyes off Rose, she was that stunning.

John placed a hand on my shoulder, snapping me back to reality. "Man, you're so whipped."

"Like you're any better." I smiled as I shrugged his hand off of me.

"I don't see my girlfriend every day like you do."

"Yeah, so?"

"You do. Therefore, you my dear cousin, are whipped."

"And you, my dear cousin, are a douche bag."

"Why thank you." He joked as we walked into the dance.

Rose was easy to find in this place. Her and Jess were already out on the dance floor with what looked like the rest of the cheerleading team, and a sports team or two. In other words, majority of the year level had already arrived.

My eyes followed Rose as she left the dance floor. I watched as she walked over to where Zac was sitting and somehow persuaded him to join her and Jess in dancing.

Obviously she hadn't noticed I was in here yet. She probably thought I was still outside or something.

That was when Jess came and grabbed John, bring him to the dance floor as well.

I wonder how long it will take for Rose to realise that I was here waiting for her to drag me into the dancing too. Either way, at least I got to watch her have some fun. I loved that smile on her face.

My phone rang, interrupting my thoughts. Turns out, it was my friend trying to get back to me about plans to catch up for tomorrow.

I stepped outside to answer it. "Hey, Carter."

"Hey Ben. What's up?" He greeted me.

"Nothing much. You?"

"Nothing. So what did you want to do tomorrow?"

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