Chapter 7: Assessments

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Wooooah, there. Prophecy? FMU? Vayu must sense my disbelief, because he stepped out of the light and walked towards me.

"I know it's a lot to take in right now," he says softly. "But I think you'll grow into the idea. You'll be a hero, everyone's idol."

But what if I don't want to be a hero? What if I just want to be Aden? "Look, Vayu, I don't think I'm the guy you're looking for. I'm just a regular fire elemental. Not even an expert! I know guys who are way better than I am!"

Vayu looks unconvinced. "Well, if you say so. But we will have to do a few tests to assess your ability. In fact, the first one has been scheduled for tomorrow morning," he announces. "For now, I suggest you get some rest."

He starts speed-walking towards the door, so I have no choice but to follow him. Once out of the spacious room, he leads me through a hallway full of twists and turns, until I'm thoroughly lost. Soon, we arrive at our destination.

"Here is your new home, Aden. You will find sufficient clothes in the dresser. Good night," he says, then turns and leaves abruptly. Once he closes the door behind himself, I have a look around my new room. The walls are a pale, sickly yellow and the bedspread is a similar pale orange. Not the colors I would've chosen, I think to myself. There also a fairly large window with pale green drapes. For furniture, there are only the basics- a nightstand, a dresser, and a bunk bed. Oh, great. A bunk bed. Can't wait to meet my roommate, I think sarcastically. I'm an only child, so I don't particularly like the idea of sharing my room.  Plenty of time for that later, though. For now, all I need is sleep. I trudge over to the dresser and change into the pajamas I find inside, suddenly aware of how exhausted this day has made me. To think this all happened in only a day. If I hadn't lived it, I wouldn't believe it. I fall onto the bottom bunk, to tired to climb to the top. Finally, some rest.


I groggily wake up as sunlight streams through the window at my right and tickles my face. I sleepily get up and change into some fresh clothes that I find in the dresser. I barely have time to rub my eyes before Vayu bursts inside and pulls me away. He drags me through the halls until we arrive at a large door, similar to the one I had seen yesterday. Vayu turns to face me.

"In this room, you will face challenges that test your skills in elemental form. There will be no instructions; just make the right choice and stay alive." On that note, he opens the door and promptly shoves me through.

Inside the room, I see a small grouping of one boy and one girl, both around my age. The room is completely white, from the walls to the floor to the ceiling. As soon as I enter, however, the room starts rapidly spinning. I feel extremely nauseous, and fall on the ground, closing my eyes as tight as I can. When I finally dare to open them, the room is no longer white. Instead, I am in a large circular room with five doors around its circumference. A few feet away from me, the other two kids are getting up also. I walk over to introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Aden."

"I'm Anali ," says the girl. "And he's Hakan. He doesn't talk much."

"Pleased to meet you. Any idea what we're supposed to do?"

"Nope," Anali replies. "Why don't we all try a different door? One of them has to lead somewhere."

It's our only plausible idea so we all set to work. The first door I open leads off into empty space, an infinite black void. I hear a train whistle, and then Anali slam a door shut. "Incoming train." She tosses the words over her shoulder. Hakan opens a door that I see opens onto an ocean as far as the eye can see. I open one more door and see a small, square steel room with no doors or windows, and no furniture whatsoever. Finally, all three of us walk to the final door. "This one's got to be it," I announce. I open the door, but quickly shut it again and lean against the door.

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