I remember grand father told me once that the entrance of his quarters are opposite the small temple , I go straight until the end of the corridor and his room will be overlooking the valley . This villa was build in such away that grandpa and grandfather Daniel when they get married will have each a separate quarter to themselves and have privacy with their respective family but still live under the same roof.

Damien open the doors of the quarters and we all followed him inside, the halls are decorated with paintings and sculptures. I take in a deep breath and open the door to my grandfather's room. The room seems to be stuck in time,i think nobody touched rhis room because even the furnishings looks ancient.

I run my fingertips along the wooden bed post and imagine my grandpa sleeping on the same bed and dreaming about the love of his life , a common girl who was forbidden to him.

I went and stand by the window and look outside, the valley really look beautiful and green from up here just like grandpa has told me. It's really a very beautiful scenery.

"Where is the young lady that is causing havoc in my humble abode" a deep voice said behind. I turn around and come face to face with an incarnation of my grandpa. This man looks exactly like my grandpa minus the cane of course, just looking at him open a gate of emotions that I have been holding back. He looks so much like my grandpa. I wipe away my tears and extend my hand for a greeting, he looks like a nice guy no need to get on his bad side with my manners.

"It's me Daniela Viola Saeran Wilshire Montefiore" I said shaking his hand, his grip was surprisingly strong for someone who needs to use a cane.

"It's a pleasure to meet you dear, the Montefiore resemblance is uncanny I don't understand why they won't give you a chance to explain your self. Come with me to the library than we can talk" grandpa Daniel said.

"As you wish grandpa Daniel" I said as I followed him to the library.

The library is stocked with alot of books , we sit at the reading table and I excused my guards so that they can give us privacy without compromising my safety of course.

"What can I offer you to drink"

"Sweet rose wine will be fine thank you"

"Fares I will have my usual, please bring along something to nimble also" grandpa Daniel ordered the butler.

"So dear tell me who you are , I have only heard rumours so far" he said getting into a conservative mood.

"Well my name is Daniela Viola Saeran Wilshire Montefiore, my father is Saeran Sommes Wilshire Montefiore the son of Salvador Zeflon Wilshire Montefiore your twin brother"

"But they said my brother ship sank in the sea"

"He changed ships in Madagascar. grandmother died during the birth of my father. Your brother died two years ago though with high fever" I said giving him my grandpa hunting knife, a letter that grandpa once wrote and a necklace With a rig on it. I cannot tell him the truth about grandpa residing in the kingdom of Uqbyland because it will compromise my cover, walls have ears.

"I cannot believe my brother survived all this years, if only I could have help him marry the girl he love he wouldn't have eloped. You know he was the one who was supposed to become the acting duke and I will be responsible for the family business but I failed him" he said bringing the dagger to his lips kissing it and wiping away his tears.

"Don't blame yourself grandpa Daniel, he didn't hold any grudge against you. He told me alot of stories about you and the villa"

"That's just like my brother! He so forgiving. So tell me about your nephew"

"My parents died in a laid when I was two so I really don't have any recollection about them apart from what grandpa told me. He raised me all by himself in our cabin"

"That's sad my dear, I am very happy that you came back home to us. Salvador's quarters are now yours Daniela as it is your right, by the way I noticed they named you after me. No one named their child after me but a nephew that I have never seen , I am so proud and honored really. Come here let me give you a hug" he said extending his arms out for a hug.

"Thanks grandpa Daniel! I guess the death grip of a hug is really a Montefiore thing huh" I giggled joking

"You can call me grandpa Viola , Salvador was the expert in squeezing people to death in the name of hugging, mother use to joke that one day he will squeeze someone's bowels out. Let's go eat lunch I am sure you are hungry than you can tell me more about yourself while I give you a tower of the villa" he said laughing.

"Ok grandpa" this house is very big, it will take me weeks to know where everything is. As we near the dinning Hall I can smell the turkey making my tummy grumble. Uncle Saeran, his wife, Catherine and george uncle Saeran son were already at the table but they stood up when they saw me.

"Grandpa what is she doing here?this is a family dinner"George asked.

"Father I thought you were going to throw her out ! Why is she still here?" Uncle Saeran asked putting down his napkin.

"Listen here all of you and listen carefully! She is all I have left of my brother so you will not push her anywhere. She have the same right to live here like all of you and she will not go anywhere. Anyone who disagree can leave the villa" grandpa said sitting down.

"But father....

"George please remove your things from my brother's quarters and put them in your father's one. This villa is big enough for everyone to live peacefully, as you know one Side is for me and my family and the other is for Salvador and his family. I don't want anyone giving Daniela any difficulties"

"Ok grandpa, welcome to the family I am George. I hope we are going to be great friends" George said hugging me, apart from grandpa he is the only one who is warm and friendly in this family. The others just give hard looks that I choose to ignore.

"If we are clear let's all sit down and eat lunch" we sit down after grandpa and started eating . Catherine was sitting across me so every time she gives me a death glare I wil poke out my tongue at her and it is pissing her off ,one can see by the way she is clenching her fingers around her fork so hard. Living in this house is going to be filled with alot of drama

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