23- i can bring your fears to life

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Time skip~
A few days go by , a few lovely fuçking days. Due to the fact that everyone , just didn't reach for Thomas and didn't bother him for a while damn week. Blissful and he thought it was over , how funny for 6

It was a late afternoon, and Jefferson was still curled up with a pillow due to his boyfriends absence. Boyfriend being best friend as well , since his other friends either dropped like flies or disappeared, Thomas didn't mind though , he loved James so much.

" Tommy~ "

A soft yet familiar voice called , the light padding sound of bare feet walking down a tile hallway accompanied the voice. Thomas let out a groan , not a good one either but of sheer annoyance "it's to earlly...". Thomas stubbornly pulled a different pillow up and over his head.

" tom But I made you breakfasssst,.. well cereal with a side of orange juice but that's besides the point " James , the cause of the voice , walked in the room holding a small metal tray in both arms.

Thomas gave in with a loud whine " to early..." he had repeated , popping up into a crissed crossed position , pouting. " darlin' to do know it's one in the afternoon??" James gave an amused look , giggling softly. Thomas paused and blushed lightly , crossing his arms across his chest.

" just let me eat." Thomas huffed and reached out dragging the tray towards himself. James carefully crawled into the bed moving a pillow to sit by Thomas , shoulder to shoulder. Thomas picked up the glass first , taking a swig of orange juice almost spitting it up as his phone buzzed in his pocket.

James reached into Thomas' pocket grabbing out the phone , tilting his head a bit. " tom?? Who's ' jack ' in your phone??" James asked glancing to Thomas " and why is he calling you baby."

Thomas froze and quickly set down the orange juice quickly snatching his phone back hastily, and read the text
' good morning baby~ ❤️💖'
Thomas winced and winced , setting down his phone " j-James... it's just a friend I've known since middle school.. and its an inside joke " Thomas lied , but he couldn't let his secret poke through.

James seemed to grow at ease at the lie, not even knowing it was a lie. " alright... you know I love you more then I love myself??" James hummed softly , directing a embarrassed gayze down to the bed. Thomas took another swig of orange juice, giggling softly as he swallowed it down.

" I hope you love yourself more then you love me... because I really love you to..? If that makes any sense??" Thomas smiled down at James , taking his chin to bring James to look at him. James cheek lit up with bright red cherry looking cheeks , Thomas happily leaned down pressing a soft kiss to James' lips.

James returned the soft kiss , not being able to help but smile against Thomas' Lips with the taste of orange juice. James pulled back and softly swatted at Thomas' hands , " y-you're such a sap... and you taste like orange juice ... I kinda like it..".

" oh?? Is that your kink Jemmy?? Orange flavor?" Thomas half joked wrapping both arms around James waist , and pushed away the tray. James' face flushed again and shook his head , reaching up to put his arms around Thomas' neck and tangled his fingers in his lovers hair.

" your gorgeous~ " Thomas murmured lovingly

" not as beautiful as you..."

" even more beautiful then me, let me love youuuu~"

With that Thomas leaned down and lovingly kissed James once again , hosting him into his own lap. James let a soft giggle escape his mouth before gladly kissing back , he loved this boy more then he truly loved himself.

Midnight meetings~ jeffmads حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن